Newt Scamander- Honest (c)

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When you first met Newt, you fell for him instantly. He was sweet and romantic and always knew how to make you feel special without even trying. Everything seemed right and when he trusted you enough to go into his suitcase with him and introduce you to the wonderful creatures within, you knew it was meant to be. You were happy with the relationship, it was a little bit weird and it was a lot to understand as what he referred to as a muggle, but you wouldn't change anything.

You dated for some time and it became a regular occurrence for you to join him in his suitcase, as you did today. You helped him feed some of his beasts before you returned to the shed with him and he paused what he was doing to offer you a sweet, yet slightly awkward smile.

"Can I be honest with you?" He asked.

"Of course, Newt. You can tell me anything."

He took a second to let his thoughts line up and become remotely functional for him to tell you them. You were slightly worried that he was about to tell you something terrible or tell you that he didn't want to be with you anymore, but he seemed nervous and happy, so you hoped that was a good thing.

"I am probably not going to make too much sense with what I want to say but I will try to make it clear. I understand our relationship is far from conventional, especially for you, you have had to face so many different things that you never believed could exist, but you fit into this world so amazingly, you fit into my world so amazingly," he smiled softly, running a hand through his brown hair. "I love you and I know that our love isn't the best in the world. It's not perfect... but it's, it's real. I can only imagine that our future will be as real and love-filled forever and that's why I wish to ask you something very important to me."

Newt fumbled in his pocket to find a small box. He moved down onto one knee, opening the box to reveal a simple silver ring with a small gem on top.

"Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

A grin curled onto your lips and you nodded your head faster than you felt like you possibly could.

"Of course I want to be your wife."


Written by Charlotte.

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