Harry Potter- Selfish (c)

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When you saw Harry sneaking out of the burrow in the middle of the night, you had to follow behind him to see what the hell he was doing.

"Harry," you called, trying to be quiet enough that no one inside the house would hear you but also so that Harry certainly would.

He turned on his heal to look at you, shocked that he had been caught by someone when he had tried to escape from the busy home.

"Go back inside Y/N," he stated firmly.

You shook your head, catching up with him. "Not until you tell me where you are going."

"I can't do that."

Harry tried to continue walking away but you grabbed hold of his sleeve stopping him from getting further away form you.

"Where are you going Harry?" You demanded. "It's the middle of the night and we are at the brink of war. We just lost Mad Eye and George is injured badly, we can't just break down our ranks now."

"This is my fight, Y/N."

You let out a shocked laugh. "This isn't your fucking fight anymore Harry."

"I'm the chosen one."

Without a moment of hesitation, you reached out to slap his cheek, making him wince and grab hold of that spot where it was now sore and painful from the contact.

"If you say that again I am going to stab you with a rusty knife," you frowned.

"I am the chosen one," he said, quickly dodging the hit that was coming his way again.

You shot him a glare. For someone that could be so intelligent he was very stupid.

"We are in a fucking war, Harry. This isn't just you and Voldemort; this is all of us. If you think you can fight an army on your own, then you are wrong. Yes, you are vital in this, but you aren't alone whether you want to be or not. You cannot do this alone, we are all deep in this far more than anyone ever wanted to," you explained. "So, don't be selfish Potter, going out in the middle of the night is just going to get you killed and then that means we will all be killed too."

He let out a sigh, not knowing how to respond to that seen as he was being selfish in this situation.

"Now, we're going back inside and if I find you trying to escape again I will hex you into the new year."


Written by Charlotte.

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