James Potter- Dramatic (c)

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You had hoped for a relatively peaceful day in your common room, get some work done for your classes and maybe some reading just for a bit of fun, but you couldn't have any luck with that matter. You had started your original plan, reading through some of the recommended chapters for your Defence Against the Dark Arts class when your brother barged in, letting out a loud, overdramatic sigh. James was a year older than you and although you shared blood, that was about as far as your connection really went. He wasn't in your house, so you had no idea how he'd gotten into your common room, but you knew that he had his ways and likely didn't have any reason to be there.

James made his way straight over to the empty sofa opposite you and collapsed onto it with a loud whine. He held his head in his hands, his breathing erratic and shaky. Normally you didn't care for your brother and you were more than willing to rejoice in his suffering but for once you were actually concerned about his wellbeing.

"Are you okay?" You asked, lowering your book.

"I'm going to die," he screamed through his hands.

"What do you mean, James?"

You moved off of your sofa and knelt beside his sofa, wanting to know what was wrong with him. He was a drama queen but for some reason you actually believed that something was wrong with him rather than some made up scenario from within his head.

"I fucking fell over in front of Evans," he wailed, throwing his arms up in the air. "She's never going to like me."

You let out a sigh feeling a fool for believing him, something that you should have learnt many years prior.

You gave him a firm slap to the shoulder before returning to your seat. "You are such a dumbass. Believe me that will not be the reason that Lily won't like you, she would never like you."

Once again, he whined, acting as if he was about to die. You no longer actually cared about his dramatic behaviour so picked up your book, ready to continue reading, only if you could drown out the pathetic moans of your brother.

"What do I do without her?" He cried. "I love her so much."

"Then maybe stop being such a dick, and maybe she'll like you but I wouldn't hold your breath."


Written by Charlotte.

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