Viktor Krum- Little Chaser: Part 2 (h)

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On your way back to the boat Viktor kept chatting to you in Bulgarian, testing your responses but laughing at you when you pronounced things wrong.

"You're cute when you speak my mother tongue," Viktor told you, his English getting better but his accent still thick.

"And you're sweet when you speak mine," you responded, smiling up at him.

The two of you reached the ship and saw Viktor's friends all gathered on the deck, a few of them who you'd met over the summer when you went to stay at Viktor's manor.

Viktor placed his hand on the small of your back to guide you up the ramp onto the deck.

"Y/N!" one of Viktor's friends cheered from where they were all sat. "He brought you to see us!"

The switch from English to Bulgarian was quick but you could understand enough. "It's nice to see you all again," you responded in somewhat broken Bulgarian.

Viktor chuckled as he sat down with his friends, pulling you down to sit on his knee. "I just met some other, how do you say, 'Gryffindors'?"

You laughed at Viktor's pronunciation of Gryffindor. "He met my friends," you clarified, feeling a little more comfortable in your Bulgarian. "They didn't know of me and Viktor."

One of Viktor's other friends tilted his head, clearly confused. "Viktor told us about you, why did you not tell your friends?"

Shrugging, you looked up at Viktor's face for his reaction. "I did not think they would believe me," you admitted. "I am not what they would expect for someone like Viktor to be dating."

Viktor scoffed as did a few of the others, looking at you as if you'd gone mad. "Viktor does not stop talking about his 'little chaser'," one of his friends mocked causing Viktor to flush slightly.

Looking up at him you saw the pink in his cheeks as his friends continued to poke fun at how smitten Viktor seemed with you.

You all stayed up chatting a while longer, until it got dark and by then a fire had been conjured but you knew you couldn't stay there all night.

When you made a move to go Viktor's arms wrapped around your waist as he rested his head on your shoulder.

"Where are you going?" he whispered in your ear, switching to English.

Sighing, you leant against him. "I need to get back to my dorm, it's already past curfew so getting back won't be easy."

He hummed in agreement. "Stay here, Karkaroff gave me my own cabin."

"I don't have permission," you reminded him as you watched his friends all laughing and joking.

Viktor chuckled, his breath fanning your neck. "You don't need permission, no one will find out – if they do Karkaroff will sort it."

You couldn't deny that his offer sounded appealing, for obvious reasons, and whilst you didn't want to have anyone cover for you it was unlikely that you'd get to your dorm and not get caught.

Sighing again, you stood up from Viktor's lap and he took that as a yes so, he grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers. "If anyone asks, cover for us."

All the boys laughed and made jokes, but you knew they'd cover for you both if it was needed.

You left them all as they were whilst Viktor led you down into the underbelly of the ship and to his cabin.

"So why your own cabin?" you questioned once you'd gotten inside and the door was locked.

Viktor chuckled, pulling you into his arms. "Karkaroff likes to keep the star seeker happy."

You rolled your eyes but laughed anyway. "Well, I suppose it has worked in our favour," you commented.

"And I hope it will continue to, my little chaser," Viktor whispered in Bulgarian as he rested his forehead against yours. "You're staying here for the next four months, no excuses."


Written by Hannah.

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