Sirius Black- Beautiful (c)

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Sirius flirted with pretty much anything with a heartbeat and was remotely humanoid but for some reason he considered his flirting with you as a special affair. You did respond to his flirting in a similar manner but so did a few other people. You liked him and you hoped that he liked you too, but it wasn't a matter of questioning anymore as he admitted that he was interested in you and wanted to go on a date.

It was daunting to go out on a date with someone as flirtatious as Sirius, but you were still excited even if it was just to go get some butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks. You'd been there more times than you could count, a lot of those times with Sirius but this time it was different because you were both aware of the romantic intentions and it was officially a date, not just friends hanging out.

You tried your best to get dressed up with the few items of clothing that you had in your trunk. There was nothing miraculous in there, but you put on a dress that you liked and tried to do your hair in a style that you liked and looked as though you had put some form of effort into it. Once you were satisfied with how you looked, you headed down to the courtyard where you were meeting Sirius.

He was already there, looking perfect as ever. As soon as he saw you, his eyes lit up as he smiled at you.

"You look beautiful," he smiled, looking you over.

You scrunched up your nose at the compliment. "I look atrocious. You look perfect though."

Sirius took your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Don't be an idiot. No one can be as beautiful as me."

You cocked an eyebrow at him. Somehow you expected on your date he'd be less of his normal self, but it was quite nice to see him acting as he would any other day.


He let out a laugh. "Well, you are beautiful, just not as beautiful as me."

Sirius flipped his dark hair over his shoulder, offering you a cheeky smile. You knew that he was confident in his appearance and he had every right to be but that made his compliments to you mean even more even if you didn't fully believe them.

"But really, you look amazing," he smiled.


Written by Charlotte.

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