Hermione Granger- Pizza (c)

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Both you and your girlfriend, Hermione, had been through a hard workday, so decided it would be a nice treat to order pizza for dinner seen as neither of you wanted to cook anything. You sent the order for your dinner before continuing with your evening activities until it was served to you without any effort on your part. Hermione curled up on the sofa with her current book whilst you just appreciated the break from having to do anything and let your aching feet have their must needed rest.

Not even thirty minutes later, the doorbell rung, and you rushed to gain the greasy delight that you were beyond excited to receive. You thanked the delivery driver and paid for your food along with giving a generous tip and headed back into your house to lay it out on the table where you had already put some kitchen roll and sauces.

"Dinner," you called out.

Hermione said that she'd be there once she'd finished her chapter, so you began to open all the food boxes, letting the cheesy aroma fill the dining room. You sat down and after what felt like a lifetime without Hermione arriving in the room, you grabbed a slice to hopefully settle the ravenous growl of your stomach.

You practically inhaled the slice before Hermione entered the room with a cocked eyebrow towards your eating without her.

"Why didn't you wait for me?" She frowned, sitting down opposite you.

"I wasn't going to wait around for you forever," you shrugged, grabbing your second slice.

"I was barely a minute, Y/N, I think you could have waited that long without starving."

It was likely true. You could have waited a little longer for her, but you felt so hungry that you couldn't bear waiting around any longer than you already had for your dinner.

Hermione followed your suit in grabbing a slice of the pizza.

"You know that if I took longer than you to get to pizza, you would have started without me to take claim to the most topping heavy slice," you stated. "It's survival of the quickest, or at least the first one to die from the amount of fat and grease in each of the slices."

"I just don't think it's fair," she shrugged. "I think I deserve an extra doughball for your immature behaviour."

You narrowed your eyes at your girlfriend. "I'll fight you for it."


Written by Charlotte.

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