Fred Weasley- Tea (c)

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You had done your best to stay under the radar whilst going through your time at Hogwarts, something that your now boyfriend, Fred, never did. He was known by all due to all of the pranks that he and his twin did, without the notoriety of the Weasleys as a long running family at the school. It was hard to not know who Fred was, but you found it surprising when he knew that you even existed, let alone knew anything else about you. It became even more surprising when you started to get to know each other personally and fell for one another. On the surface you seemed like an unlikely couple, but you actually had a lot in common and got along well, and your relationship had extended past graduation, you now sharing a flat with him close by the shop that he and his twin owned.

The two of you had the day of from the shop, leaving you both to relax at home, doing nothing much of anything. You were popping on the kettle to make you both a cup of tea when Fred entered the kitchen as well. He came up behind you and leant down to press a kiss to the top of your head. You appreciated the gesture as you put the teabags into the two mugs but became distracted when you heard Fred laughing behind you.

"What's so funny?" You questioned, not looking up from the tea making.

"I don't know how I've never realised how short you are," he chuckled. "I think I just hurt my back having to bend down so much to kiss you."

You span around to shoot him a glare.

"I don't appreciate that," you frowned. "It's not my fault you're a tall git."

"I'm not that tall, but you are very short."

You jutted out your lower lip in a dramatic pout. "I'm not short, I'm adorable."

"You are adorable, but you are also very short."

You playfully shoved his shoulder before turning back to the boiled kettle. You had to muster up the willpower to not tip it over his head but instead pour it into the mugs over the teabags and milk.

Fred leaned down to press a kiss to your cheek, letting out a loud groan as he stood back up straight, gaining an elbow to the stomach as payback for his comments around your height.

You stirred the teabags, removing them from the mugs.

"Drink your tea before it ends up on your head."

He picked up his mug. "Like you could reach."


Written by Charlotte.

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