Fred Weasley- Puzzle Pieces (h)

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There were just some things in life that you'd never be able to forget – whether it was a certain smell or a certain image in your mind.

One image that you would never be able to erase was Fred lying motionless in a hospital bed at St Mungo's.

Yes, he had been lucky that the wall had been obliterated before fully crushing him but the shock and damage to his system had been done.

You had sat with him for weeks as he lay there with no movement whatsoever; like clockwork it was you on one side and George on the other, both holding Fred's hands wishing to have any sign of movement.

Eventually George had been convinced to get the shop fixed up again, but you refused to leave Fred's side.

Everyone knew how much you meant to each other. Whilst George was Fred's other half in the sibling sense, Fred had often referred to you as his puzzle piece – the piece that slotted into his life perfectly and made him feel right.

And that was why you couldn't leave his side, it didn't feel right to you leaving him whilst he was so vulnerable, you didn't want him to wake up all alone.

Luckily for Fred he didn't.

When he eventually opened his eyes, two months after his body and magical core having repaired itself, he immediately saw the head of hair that he had grown so fond of.

"Oh baby," he whispered when he saw the position you had gotten yourself into when you had fallen asleep.

Even though it hurt him to move and he was as stiff as a board he forced himself up so that he could shake you awake.

"Hey there pretty girl," he greeted you with a hoarse voice when your eyes opened.

You gasped in shock at your boyfriend's brown eyes staring right back into yours. "Oh my god," you whispered as your hands flew to cover your mouth.

Before you could even help it, tears were spilling down your cheeks from pure joy at him being awake and he had to reach out to pull you closer to him.

"Thank merlin you're awake, finally you're awake," you mumbled into your hands.

As you manoeuvred yourself into Fred's arms, wanting the comfort of him holding you again, Fred's eyes flitted around the room he found himself in.

He saw the well-wishing cards, the pictures of his family and you, your belongings that made the room look far too lived in for his liking but then shock clouded his features as his eyes landed on the happy birthday banner that had been placed on his door.

"Oh god," the words slipped from his mouth as he glanced at the small desk calendar next to him – he realised what day it was.

You looked up in confusion at your boyfriend's words but then your eyes followed his and you saw the banner Mrs Weasley had insisted on putting up the day before – her wanting you to wake up properly on your birthday to something that would make it feel right.

"Happy birthday my darling one," Fred rested his hand on your cheek as he spoke. "I must apologise for the lack of presents this year."

You laughed at his attempt to lighten the mood. "You know I had noticed the distinct lack of presents from my ever so loving boyfriend this year," you played along with him. "But I think he gets a get out of jail free card this year."

Years ago, Fred's brow would have furrowed at your muggle boardgame reference but now the reference made him smile as he remembered just why you were his puzzle piece.

"My birthday presents this year is you waking up," you stated in all seriousness.

Fred was never going to accept that but until he was able to leave St Mungo's he would have to. "Wait until I get out of here pretty girl," he told you. "Then you'll get a proper gift."

Unbeknownst to you, as you left his room to find his healer, Fred was devising the mother of all surprises for how to propose to you – the war had made him realise that you needed to hold onto those you loved even in the darkest of times.

You were his puzzle piece, the one person that made him feel whole and merlin would be damned if you didn't get a birthday to remember.

Plus, it would make for an easy engagement anniversary to remember.


Written by Hannah.

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