Darry Curtis - Thanksgiving

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Y/n pulled the apple pie from the over, setting it on the cooling rack with the other pies. Ponyboy stood at the kitchen table, mashing the potatoes as Sodapop started to make the stuffing.

This was the first Thanksgiving they had had by themselves in years, always going to one of the gangs parents house, not to mention it was the first Thanksgiving Y/n had ever hosted.

Her husband, Darry walked into the house, walking to the sink to wash the soot and grease from the smoker off his hands. "The turkey should be done in two hours."

"Perfect, right on time." Y/n smiled as she walked up behind him, kissing his cheek. "The others should arrive anytime now."

"Perfect, I'll turn on the game while we wait, then after dinner we can play our own football."

Y/n smiled as he walked to the living room, picking up the remote. Two-bit and Steve staggered into the house, already a bit tipsy. "Happy Thanksgiving." They hollered out in unison.

Y/n walked over to them, grabbing the packs of beer from their hands as she laughed quietly. "Happy Thanksgiving boys."

Y/n placed the other apple pie into the oven,  she only planned to make one, but the recipe she had gotten from a family member made two.

Not too much later, Dallas and Johnny walked in behind them, Johnny immediately going to Pony, and Dally going to find him a spot on the couch.

The boys in the living room watched football, Soda joining them after the stuffing was made, and the boys, being Pony and Johnny, sat at the table, talking to themselves.

Y/n walked into the living room, leaning against the wall as she smiled. The gang cheered at the T.V. hooping and hollering.

Darry caught her eye and motioned for her to come over, he extended his hand, holding to it tightly as she sat on his lap, his other arm around her waist, pulling her close.

She leaned against him, breathing in deeply as she laughed, watching them get riled up.

Soon, dinner was ready and they all sat down around the table. Before they started eating, Y/n cleared her throat.  "Okay, before we dig in I want to go around the table and each of us mention something that we're thankful for, just something in this year, Two-bit, would you mind starting?"

"I'm thankful for…you all making such a delicious looking meal." He looked up at her and winked playfully, laughing quietly. "And for being able to take off work to spend time with all you."

"I'll go next," Steve said as he looked around the table. "I'm thankful for Y/n inviting me, even though I know she doesn't like me." His tone was teasing, it was a running joke between the pair, acting like they didn't like eachother.

"I only invited you for Soda."

"Since my name was mentioned, does that mean I go next?" Soda smiled. "I'm thankful that Darry is finally a happy man, all thanks to this little lady."

Y/n smiled at him, laughing quietly. Johnny raised his hand timidly and she nodded at him. "I'm thankful that you all let me stay at your house's when you could leave me out in the cold."

"We don't leave family on the streets." Darry piped in, nodding at Johnny, his expression firm but his eyes soft.

"I'm thankful that Y/n actually know how to cook, because I didn't want a horrible thanksgiving meal." Dally said, shrugging. "And that I can call you all…my…family" He muttered under his breath.

"Well, I'm thankful that Y/n is now officially family, and that she cares for all of us." Pony smiled at Y/n. "And I'm thankful that we're all alive and healthy."

Y/n glanced at all the guys around the table. "I for one, am thankful for the honor to know each of you, and to be able to call you all family. And for having gotten married, I suppose."

Darry chuckled at he looked at Y/n, the whole gang knew she was teasing. "I am thankful to have such an amazing wife, and amazing people that I'd consider my brothers."

"Well with all that, let's dive in, huh?"

All eight of them ate, stuffing themselves they thought they'd never be able to make it outside, much less play football.

The holiday went better than Y/n thought it would have gone, with her being the one to host and the one to make sure everything got done and didn't burn.

She hadn't been allowed to help in years because she either didn't get something cooked or something got burned, but all seemed well this year-

"What is that smell?"

Y/n's fork dropped to her plate as she darted out of her chair, Darry following on her heels. She flung the oven open, not wearing any mitts as she pulled out the now burnt pie.

"No, no, no, the pie." She frowned, dropping it on the stove top, shaking her hands. She closed the oven as people rushed to open windows and doors, and Darry started waving a towel around.

Y/n couldn't help but laugh as she turned off the oven, nearly doubling over. "It's a good thing I made two by accident."

The gang looked at her, confused at first wether she was laughing or crying. But when they realized, they broke out in laughter too.

"It wouldn't be thanksgiving with me if I didn't burn something." Y/n laughed hard, putting a hand over her face.


Happy Thanksgiving if you participate in the holiday, if not, well then happy Nov. 26th.

Does anyone have any funny thanksgiving stories? If so I'd love to hear them, if you want to share!

Mine isn't really funny as much as it shows the reason i don't really help with thanksgiving food:

Last year, everyone in my family helped make a dish for Thanksgiving, I was given the task of the green bean bundles which we have every year. (Green bean bundles are just a bunch of green beans wrapped in bacon.)

Mind you, this is the first time I ever made them by myself and I wasn't aware that we had to cut the bacon in half first.

So I wrap a good sum of green beans in a whole strip of bacon…

It took six hours for them to mostly cook, and this was while we checked on them, and made sure they were making progress.

In the end, the never really fully cooked like they normally did but they were safe to eat.

This year, my sister is doing them and I know they'll be better and fully cooked. 😂

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