Dallas Winston - "Then why are you with me?" pt. 2

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Part two of the imagine I posted back in like... I don't know, forever ago . 💀 Oops.

I sigh as the sun shines over my face, bringing me out of a deep sleep. The events of last night played through mind.

The clock read seven and despite having gone to my room a little befo e two, I only got close to forty five minutes of sleep.

While Dallas had started out by knocking on the door and whispering, he slowly got louder and more upset, pounding on the door as he hollered.

I have no clue if he left or if he took the couch, all I know is he stopped. I was thankful, it was painful to listen to.

My head spun as I sat up, rubbing my face as I manage to stumble out of bed, grabbing a hoodie, making my way to the door.

Pulling it on, I twisted the lock, opening the door. The door swung open forcefully as Dally fell to the floor. He had been sitting right up against it.

His head hit the wooden floor and he groaned, not moving. He sighed, slowly opening his eyes. If his head wasn't hurting from his hangover, it was now.

"Oh my God, Winston." I step back, sighing as he looked up a me. "What. are. you. doing?"

"Waiting for you to open the door," He said as he stood up, rubbing the back of his head. "So I could apologize to you, to your face...not through a door."

I pushed past him, rolling my eyes. "I can't do this, Dallas. You and I, we're better off when we aren't together."

I walked into the kitchen, switching on the coffee pot which I had prepared last night. Dally stopped behind me. "Are you breaking up with me?"

"Yes, yes I am." I shrugged, walking to the fridge before grabbing a carton of eggs. "I thought about it. You're killing me, Dally. I shouldn't feel like that when I'm in a relationship."

"Y/n...give me a chance, please..." Dally said quietly as he slipped his arms around my waist. "I love you, I really really love you and I know I never said that, I just...please...you're the only person who's ever cared about me-"

"What about the gang?"

"That's different man, sure the gang cares about me, but...they don't get me." He rested his chin on my shoulder as I cracked a few eggs, putting them into the pan. "Please don't leave me, Y/n... I can't do this without you."

I turn around in his grasp, running my hands up and down his biceps, looking up at him as a quiet sigh slipped from my mouth.

"Dally...you're a drunk... you always get in fights and thrown in jail and I have to bail you out...it takes a toll on me...like I said last night, being with you, is killing me."

"I want you to feel alive me with." He leaned close to me, his breath hitching slightly. "Please, I'm begging you..."

I searched his eyes, he was sincere. I knew that if I stayed with him, nothing good could come from it. Could he really change? Could he really make me feel alive?

Chances are, I'd just continue to wither away as he lived his reckless life.

I wasn't thinking as I pressed my lips to his, gripping his biceps as his hands grasped on to my waist tightly. He pulled me close to him as the kiss became deep.

I run my hands up to his hair, kissing him passionately, my heart aching as memories flashed by like a scene from a movie.

He broke this kiss first. "Please don't leave me... I need you, I can be a better man... I swear."

The scent of smoke filled my nostrils and I leaned back, looking at him, confused. Dally looked behind me, nudging me to the side as he moved the skillet off the burner. The smoke alarm blared and I rushed to fan the smoke away, opening the window.

"Ah, man...my eggs..." I frowned. I shook my head. "Dally...I love you too, I really do...I just..."


"You have one more chance," I sighed,  turning on the fan above the stove. "But-"


"You have to stop getting drunk every night, you have to stop getting arrested so often, you really have to try-"

"Yes, okay I will, I promise." Dally nodded quickly, wrapping me in a tight embrace. "I swear, I will be a better man."

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