Dallas Winston - Pet Names

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(this makes like no sense, and it's not really suppose to. It's kinda just a draft I've had forever that's going to have to make do until I come up with something else.)

Dallas Winston sulked into the Curtis House Saturday morning, a hand in his pocket as his other held a cigarette to his lips.

He plopped down on the couch beside Y/n, slinging an arm around he shoulders as she continued to ignore his presence.

"Morning Doll, what's happening?"

"Nothing much, Pumpkin." The sarcasm dripped off Y/n's voice, not even looking at him. "What's happening with you?"

Dally scoffed, shaking his head as he blew out some smoke. She reached over, snagging the cigarette from his grasp, taking a drag.

"The usual, sweetheart."

"Wonderful, darling."

"What's your plans for today, Babe?"

"Planned on chilling here until I get bored of you, dear. What are your plans?" Y/n looked over at him, finally, seeing a slight smirk on his lips.

Two Bit had walked in, mid banter. He was used to it, they were all used to it. Y/n and Dally had a unique relationship, it mainly involved aggressively calling each other pet names while simultaneously disliking the presence of the other.

The chemistry was so blindingly obvious to everyone, except Y/n and Dally, although everyone could see that they were crazy for each other, still trying to dislike each other.

That's when Pony walked in, tugging on his coat. "I'm gonna go around, who's coming?"

Y/n was the first to stand up, Johnny was the second, and Two-Bit walked over to them.

"I guess I'll go to make sure you girls don't get beat up by some socs." Dally groaned as he pushed himself up. "I ain't talking about Y/n though, she can handle herself, can't you love?"

"Shut up and walk, Tucker."

"I know you did not just-"

"Walk, sugar."

He rolled his eyes, wrapping his arms around her shoulders as he walked towards the door.

Sometime during their walk, Y/n and Dally ended up way behind, mainly because they strolled at a slow pace while the others horsed around.

"For someone who hates me so much, you sure do spend a lot of time with me, Honey."

"I've never said I hate you, Amour." Y/n smirked as she laughed quietly. "Although I mean, I do."

"I hate you more."


"You wish you could hate me more, you love me."

"Ha, in your dreams, sweetheart." Dally scoffed. "You're in love with me, and you so desperately wish I would take to back to Bucks-"

"No, no, you wish I'd go back to Buck's with you, there's so much you wish you could do to me, you wish you could kiss me so bad-"

Dally grabbed her wrist as he stopped walking, pulling her close to him. No one was around, the two completely alone in the middle of the sidewalk.

What are you doing, Wins-"

He pressed his lips to hers, his hands gripping her waist tightly as she placed her hands around his neck.

"I hate you."

"Hate you too, Winston."

"Mhmm, screw you, sunshine."

"Screw you too, baby." Y/n said before she kissed him again, quickly. She pulled away, walking away from him.

"Where are you going?" He asked, looking at her.

"Bucks. Aren't you coming, Mi Amor?"

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