Steve Randle - "I'm gonna be late."

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Steve had stayed the night at Y/n's house, they both fell asleep on the couch and as a result, Y/n forgot to set her alarm clock for the next day.

The sun peaked through the window, and Y/n slowly opened her eyes as she saw Steve, still asleep. Y/n felt alarmed as she suddenly remembered she had work that morning.

She brought her wrist up to her vision and gasped, pushing her hair out of her face as she got off Steve, running to her room.

"I'm gonna be late, I'm gonna be late, I'm gonna be late" She mumbled to herself, pulling her uniform off her dresser.

"You okay babe?" Steve asked as he walked into the room, rubbing his eyes.

"No," Y/n said as she stopped frantically moving "I'm going to be late, my boss is going to kill me"

"Calm down, he won't kill you. He's too nice" Steve chuckled, yawning. "And you'll only be five minutes late at this point."

"Which is why I always feel bad when I'm late" Y/n pushed by Steve, rushing to the bathroom as she quickly brushed her teeth.

The rushed back to her room, brushing out her hair and tied it up into a messy ponytail before pulling off her shirt from yesterday.

Steve let out a whistle, obviously playing around. But Y/n wasn't in a mood to joke.

"Shut your trap, Randle." Y/n said pulling on her shirt uniform, and a different pair of jeans. "I'm not in the mood"

Y/n picked up her shoes, walking to the couch and pulled them on, standing up.

"See ya after work, Hon" Y/n called to Steve as she walked to the door.

"Forgetting something, babe?" Steve asked, walking towards her.

"Oh, Right" Y/n backed away from the open door, Kissing Steve gently on the lips.

His cheeks turned a slight shade of pink as he cleared his throat.

"I... Uh... Meant these" Steve held out his hands, holding her keys and wallet "But, um, thanks" Steve let out a small laugh

"Oh," Y/n said, taking her keys and wallet, before smiling sweetly "Well, anytime, sweetheart. See ya after work."

"Can I get one more kiss before you go?"

Y/n, knowing it wouldn't be just one kiss, weighed her options, She could either kiss Steve or be late... Let's just say Y/n was more then five minutes late.


Sorry this was so short, I used a prompt and this is all I could get from it.

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