Ponyboy Curtis - "Don't let her fool you, she was jumped."

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@that_one_girl30 for the delay. I hope you understand, and I hope you enjoy.

For this particular imagine, the fire still happened but no one was hurt.

Two days before the rumble.

Y/n tucked her hands deep into her jean pockets as she kept her head low. It had been three days since her bestfriend Johnny and Boyfriend, Ponyboy left town due to an... accident.

She wasn't used to walking alone. She never had to walk alone before, she always had Pony, or Johnny but now, they weren't here. And she wasn't about to put her life on hold because of it.

Even though Pony wasn't here, she still went to the Curtis house almost daily, and tonight was no different. She was almost there, about two blocks away when a car drove up behind her, going no more than five miles per hour.

Naturally, she started feeling anxious as she continued about her way. One block away. She tried to distract herself, thinking of other things aside from the possibility something bad could happen.

Two teen boys, around Soda's age, jumped out from behind a wooden fence and she heard the car stop, and doors open then slam shut. "Well, well, hello there pretty lady."

Y/n rolled her eyes, and went to walk around the boys, but one put his hand on her shoulder, stopping her. "Don't touch me."

"Give me one reason I shouldn't?" He glared down at her. She recognized him, she remembered seeing him with Bob, the social Johnny killed, and his friend Randy. "Wait a second, your that one grease's girl, aren't you? The only with the weird name?"

"I ain't looking for trouble boys, leave me alone."

"You know, since her boy isn't here to protect her, I think we should teach her a lesson. Let her relay the message."

Y/n quickly whipped out the switchblade Pony had given her for her birthday, just in case of emergencies. But before she knew it, she was on the ground.

She was inwardly relieved when the gang came running up, and the socs quickly left. She set up, rubbing the back of her head, feeling a small knot in the back of it.

Soda kneeled down beside her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Good gosh, Y/n them socs got you good. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." She said, trying to stand up, swaying back and forth a nausea swept over her, she held onto her left side, knowing it was bruised horribly. "Just a tad bruised."

"And cut," Two-bit said as he swipes some blood away from her cheek. "On the brightside, that's one heck of a shiner you're gonna have. Definitely worth some bragging rights."

"Not to mention the scar that cuts going to leave." Steve lifted her arm, inspecting the cut that one of them had left. It wasn't very deep, but he was right, if definitely would leave a scar.

"Let's go get you cleaned up."'

One day before the rumble

Y/n woke up the next morning, her face hurting worse than it ever had before, and she had been in many fights before.

Her face felt stiff as her eye was swollen shut, her arm throbbed and her head spun but she pushed herself up into a seated position.

Dallas Winston came barreling in through the door, looking slightly shocked that she was up. "Hey, everyone else still asleep?"

She nodded, holding onto her side as she watched him walk over to the couch. He lowered his voice as he sat down. "Okay, listen. I'm going to see Ponyboy and Johnny in a bit, I guess you're gonna come?"

She simply nodded again. Closing her eyes. Soda came out of the room, looking between the two. "Hey Dal, what brings you by?"

"Nothing in particular, Y/n and I were about to go out around town though."

"Well, do me a favor would ya? Give this to Pony when you see him." Soda extended a hand to Dallas, and Dallas took the paper.

"I done told you, I don't-"



Dallas and Y/n left, arriving at the church quickly. And they wasted no time rushing into the church. Dally kicked the leg of the pew Pony had been laying on, then nudged Johnny with his foot.

"Hey, I brought you a letter Ponyboy, and your girlfriend."

Pony sat up so quickly, not paying attention to the cuts or bruises that littered her skin. "It's so good to see you, Y/n I missed you."

"I missed you too, Ponyboy." She winced hugging him back. When they pulled away, she instantly went over to Johnny hugging him. "I missed you both-"

"What happened to you?" Pony asked, a mixture of shock and anger making its way to his face.

"Nothing much, I got into a little spat last night but nothing much happened-"

"Don't let her fool you, she was jumped by four socs, but she was holding her own just fine." Dallas stepped forward "Man, I didn't know she could fight like that."

Y/n rolled her eyes. "He's exaggerating. It wasn't that much."

"It doesn't matter, I'm glad you're okay."

The day of the rumble

Y/n spent the night at the Curtis house again, but this time, curled up with Ponyboy on the couch.

He had woken up early, making him some breakfast, and Y/n woke up when Two-bit and Steve stormed in.

She spent the entire day with Ponyboy, Johnny and Twobit, and when the evening came, they returned to Ponys house to get ready for the rumble.

Darry was sitting in his chair when they arrived. "Hey Ponyboy just the guy I wanted to talk to." He stood up, walking into the kitchen after motioning for Pony to follow.

"Look Ponyboy, I think it might be best if you were to sit out this rumble... it's been a crazy week-"

"No Darry-"

"Ponyboy just hear me out."

"Darry, when I was gone, those socs beat up Y/n, you know how bad I feel about that? It makes me sick because I love her so much and I wasn't there to protect her... I have to do this."

Darry took a deep breath, crossing his arms. "Alright, fine."

Y/n had heard the conversation, and leaned against the kitchen door frame. "I love you too Ponyboy, and don't feel bad, I think this makes me look tuff."

Pony turned around, smiling slightly. He walked over, and hugged her.

"Do me a favor, Ponyboy... stay alive."


This is horrible, and it took me forever to write this yikes.

Also- anyone catch the small Hamilton reference? Or possibly Hunger games reference? I mean, it's either or. 😂

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