Sodapop Curtis - "Boyfriend?"

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I sit at the drive in with my boyfriend of two months, Joe.

Joe knows pretty much everything about me.... Except for the fact I hang with Greasers.

The reason is... Well it's because Joe.... he's a socs... And while I'm not a greaser, just middle class, a certain group of greasers accepted me into their group... Mainly because I've been friends with them for... Ever basically. So they consider me one.
And if you know anything, you know that greasers and socs don't get along.

He puts his arm around me and I cross mine.

I try to focus on the movie... But I fail.

I look to my left, past Joe, where I see a group of guys sneaking in.

"Uh oh" I accidentally say out loud

"What's wrong babe?" He says

"Oh uhh... We're out of popcorn... I'll go get some... Try not to miss me too much" I say jokingly getting out of the car

Did I forget to mention the group of greasers don't know I'm dating a socs?

Because yea..they don't know.

I walk over the the concession booth, where the gangs at, pretending I didn't see them sneak in.

"Y/N?" I hear a familiar voice ask "Hey Y/N, what are you doing here?"

"Oh hey Soda, I didn't know you guys were here" I act surprised

"Yea, you either." He says "So you here with someone?"

"Oh uh just a friend" I say quickly

"Oh, what friend?"

"Um, you don't know'em" I reply

"Oh, uh ok"

"So why are you here?" I ask

"Just thought it'd be a cool movie to see."

"Oh, cool."

"So... You and your friend wanna come sit with us?" He asks

"Oh uh I-" I get cut off by a voice

"Hey babe, came to see what's taking you forever." Joe says wrapping his arm around my shoulder

I grow quiet

"What the hell are you doing with a greaser?" He asks

"Y/N, is this your friend?"

"Boyfriend, actually. Grease"

I look down

"Boyfriend?" He asks

"Yea, Grease." Joe says "Got a problem with it?"

"Yea a small one" Soda says getting angry

"What might that be?" He says crossing his arms

"The fact she deserves someone better then white trash like you." Soda simply says

Joe laughs

"That's funny coming from a greaser."

"Joe stop it." I say in a low voice

"What's funny is how you think you can offend me with these childish insults" Says Soda

Joe pushes me to the side

"That's it, greaser" He yells he lunges on Sodapop knocking him off his feet, They wrestle on the ground, one moment Sodas on top, the next Joe.

"Stop it!" I yell at them "Joe get off him."

They continue to wrestle.

Ponyboy and Dally run up to me

"What the hell is going on?" Dally asks

"Obviously they're fighting." I say in a upset manner

Pony and Dally both try to pull Soda from the fight, when they finally do Joe looks at me.

"Why the hell would wanna be associated with someone like that greasers?"

I glare at him, and all of I sudden I throw a punch. And hit him square in the jaw.

"Go to hell." I say "And in case it's not obvious, it's over."

He looks at me

"Hey guys" Joe yells "Look at this greaser chick with her group of ugly greasers."

"You'll pay, socs" I run upto him and push him on the ground. Pinning him down, I punch his face.

Only to be pulled off by Soda, Pony and Dally.

I try to get loose from them but I eventually give up, flipping Joe's bloody face off. Smirking.

I turn around to notice Sodas face.
"Oh, we better get you bandaged up" I say, we start walking to the Curtis house.

When we get there I take Soda to the Kitchen and he sits on the counter.

I grab the first aid kit

"This might sting" I say

He winced

"Sorry" I say

"For what?"

"For getting you into this mess...." I wipe the blood off his face

"It was bound to happen some time" He says, grabbing my wrist causing me to stop what I was doing "I just wish you didn't lie to me"

"I wish I didn't lie to you either."

"Wanna know something?" He says
"I like you"

"I like you too dummy" I say laughing

"No, Y/N, I like you like you." He says
I stop laughing

He sighs "I should'nt've said anything. Sor-"

I cut him off with a kiss

"Guess what" I say


"I like you like you too."

He kisses me gently

"Oh get a room." Dally and Pony say at the same time

Soda and I laugh

"Maybe we will." I say


I feel like this chapter is a mess.

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