Darry Curtis - Its a baby pt. 2

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Soda assisted Y/n into the hospital. "She's having a baby-"

"Yes, that is quite obvious." The nurse glanced at Y/n then back at Soda.

"No, no, she's in labor."

"Oh, I see." The nurse handed him a clipboard of forms to fill out. "Follow me."

Y/n rested her hands on her stomach as she was pushed into a room, Soda close behind while filling out the answers he knew.

"When did the contractions start?"

"Last night, around six?"

Soda looked up from the paper, the concentration still on his face. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't think much of it, they didn't hurt that bad." Y/n said, groaning as a contraction hit.

"Go call Darry, please."

Soda dropped the papers on the bed, running out of the room as Y/n shook her head.

"It's it yours and his first child?" The nurse motioned to Soda as he left.

Y/n's eyes went wide as she quickly shook her head again. "No, no, no, no that's my brother in law. He's calling his brother, who is the father."

"Ah," the nurse nodded. "Alright, well it appears that you're around four meters dilated, meaning it will be hours before we're ready for you to push, so there's no rush for your husband to get here."

Y/n nodded, taking in a deep breath. "Okay, good to know."

"For now, just relax as much as you can." The nurse said. "Is there anyone else you'd like to be called?"

"He knows who to call." She motioned towards the direction Soda had ran off in. Y/n leaned back in the bed, taking deep breaths as she stared at the ceiling.

One by one, the gang started to arrive, one by one, everyone except Darry rushed to Y/n's side to make sure she was okay. Finally, Darry himself ran in, right as the doctor informed her that they'd need to take her to the delivery room.

He grabbed her hand and walked beside the bed as they wheeled her into the room. He was light headed with excitement.

"Alright Mrs. Curtis, we need you to push, once more, that's all we're asking." The doctor said as she looked up at Y/n, nodding reassuringly.

Darry grasped Y/n's hand, wiping off her forehead. "You're almost done, you've got this, Darling."

She pushed, and the sound of a baby crying filled the room. There was a round of relieved sighs from not just Y/n and Darry, until it was quietly followed by a "Uh oh."

"Uh oh? That's not good, uh oh is never good, what's wrong, why did you say uh oh? Why did she say uh oh?"

"There is no room to panic, it just appears that the ultra sound may have missed something…"

"Something like…"

"There's another baby-"

"Another baby?" Y/n's eyes went wide as she looked at Darry. "That's it, never again. I'm done, no more, nope I'm going home, no-"

"C'mon Y/n you only need to push a few more times, then you will be done, okay? Just a few more small pushes, you've got this."

Y/n sighed, beyond exhausted, ready to stop, wanting nothing more than sleep. But still, she pushed, and pushed until a second baby began crying.

This time, the sighs of relief were followed by congratulations as the babies were handed to Darry and Y/n.

"Wow...two babies...wow..." Darry stared at the infants in awe before glancing at his wife, smiling softly. "They're perfect."

Y/n nodded, smiling slightly. "Just like their father."

Darry scoffed, shaking his head. "I believe you mean, mother-"

Y/n's brows furrowed as she looked at Darry. "Dang it... I never got around to making dinner…"

Darry chuckled quietly, shaking his head again before kissing her temple, pushing hair off her face. "It's okay, I'd rather get to hold our babies."


The fact I posted part one back in August and I'm just now putting out part two- smh I'm this worst at this.

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