Two-bit Mathews - "They're just dogs."

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My family had just gotten two new dogs, dachshunds, and they were the sweetest things ever.

That Saturday morning the gang came over to see them

"Hey gang" I say cheerfully "Wanna meet the boys?"

"Boys?" Two-bit asks

Is that a hint of jeleousy I hear?

"Yea boys, the dogs"

"Oh" He says looking down "Sure"

I step aside so they can walk in, where they're greeted by four dogs

Two of them were already ours, the two others are the ones we just got.

"That one is snoop and the other is Lee" I say pointing to each one
I hear a chorus of 'Aws' and laugh quietly

I lean on the door post crossing my arms watching them

"Well what do ya'll say we move to the living room?" I ask

They all say sure and we go to the living room.

I sit on the floor with the dogs, Johnny sits beside me and so does Pony, but for some reason Two-bit is being distant...

"Why do you come down here with me?" I ask

"No thanks." He says curtly

"Ok then...." I chuckle

We all sit and play with the dogs, expect two bit

I could see him growing jealous

"Hey Two, come with me to get something."

"I think I'll stay."

"Please?" I beg sweetly

He caves in


We walk out the door and I turn to face him

"Are you seriously jeleous of dogs?"

"What? Me? Jealous? Ha" He laugh "That. Is. Hilarious."

"You're a horrible liar"

"Yea I know."

"So why were you jealous?" I ask

"They're just dogs."

"They're guys." He says "And you were paying more attention to them then me."

"Aww I'm sorry." I say "I didn't mean to neglect you."

He doesn't say anything

"Hey, could you ever forgive me?" I ask

"Well...." He says "I guess"


"But only if you let me kiss you"

"I can handle that"

He leans and kisses me.

"I'm still not happy with those dogs"

I laugh and grab his hand, walking inside

"I love you" I say laughing

"Yea yea, sure whatever."

For the rest of the day I sit with Two-bit and play with the dogs.

Equally so they don't feel neglected.

Man do I love my boys, both dog and human.


Short Two bit imagine ☺💖

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