Dallas Winston - "Why do I have to tell them?"

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"You need to tell them." Dally says looking at me

"Why do I have to tell them?" I ask
"Besides your dad don't know so mine don't need to either."

"My dad don't give a damn about me, But yours does." He says "They deserve to know."

I sigh, thinking.

My parents knew I was in a relationship... But they didn't know who with... And honestly it'd probably kill them if they did.

"I don't know Dal"

"What's they worst thing they can do?" He asks

"Um, throw me out, ban me from seeing you, kill me." I say

"Ok the first two are more likely to happen, but I doubt they'll kill you, it wouldn't be good for their rep."


"So you gonna tell them?"

"Yea...I'll tell them tonight"

I check my watch

"I should be getting back." I say

I stand on my tip toes and kiss his cheek "Cya around Winston." I wink then walk away

I head towards my house looking at the ground, but then I hit someone.

"Oh god I'm so sorry" I say looking up at the person "Oh hey Johnny."

"Oh hey Y/N" Johnny says looking at me "You ok?"

"Not really."

"What's wrong?"

"Dally is making me tell my parents about our relationship." I say sighing

"Oh" He says "Mind if I walk you to your house?"

"Ain't got nowhere to be?" I ask


"You know you're always welcome to crash at my house, if you need too.... Well if I have a place after this."

He laughs "Thanks, you're always welcome to crash at the lot with me"

I laugh "I might take you up on that"

We walk for a few more minutes, then reach my house.

"Thanks for walking me." I say

"Thanks for letting me." He says "Cya around"

"See ya"

I walk in

"Oh hey Y/N just in time for dinner" My mom says

"Damn" I curse under my breath

I take my coat off and drape it over the couch. That way, if things don't go too well, I can grab it and go.

I go take my seat and notice there are fewer place settings then normal

"Oh your siblings are at friends." My mom says noticing my bewilderment

"Oh" I say quietly

I put some food on my plate and eat, not saying anything.

"You're quieter then usual." My dad states "You feeling alright?"

"Mmhm" I say

I can tell my parents exchanged a 'Somethings up' look.

I just keep eating, trying not to notice the knots in my stomach.

I sigh putting my fork down

"Mom, Dad" I say "There's something I need to tell ya'll"

"Oh?" My mother asks

"What is it?" My Father asks

"Well... Umm... So you know that boy I've been seeing?" I ask

"Oh we can't wait to meet him" My mom exclaims happily

"I can" My dad mutters

"Oh come now"

"I don't think you guys do..." I say

"And why not?" My dad asks


"Just tell us who it is" My mom says "He can't be that ba-"

"It's Dally Winston" I say quickly, cutting her off.

She laughs and my Dad's eyes are just wide with shock, or anger....

"I'm sorry" She says "I thought you said Dally Winston"

"I.... Did..." I say examining their faces

"Nope, No, Nope" My dad says standing up upruptly "No, call him up and tell him it's over. No daughter of mine is going to date a piece of trash like him" He raises his voice

I raise my voice to match his and push away from the table to stand up "He's not trash, he's actually a really nic-"

He cuts me off

"If you live under my roof you aren't allowed to date someone I disapprove of"

"Then I just won't live under your roof" I run out, grabbing my coat and slamming the door

I keep running until my lungs hurt.
Then I slow down, I remember Dally said he'd be a Bucks so I head there.

When I get there I knock.

"Whadya want?" Buck asks

"Dally here?"


"Let me in"

"No can do."

"Let me in right now or I swear to god-"

"Y/N?" A voice behind Buck cuts me off "What are you doing here?"

"Flying obviously" I say sarcastically

"Let er in man." Dally says

Buck moves aside, I purposefully bump his shoulder, and I walk in, following Dally to his room.

My eyes fill with tears

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asks sitting on the bed, patting the spot next to him telling me to sit there.

I walk over and sit, sniffing I say "My parents didn't take it too well."

"Dammit" He says standing up "Your old man kick you out?"

"No, he said no one who's under his roof is going to date someone he didn't approve of, so I told him I just wouldn't live under it"

"Dammit" He says again "I'm sorry this is my fault, if I was a bet-"

"No, Shut up." I say standing up and facing him "I love you, and not even my dad can change that."

"Wait" He says "You love me?"

"Duh" I say rolling my eyes "You really think I'd be here if I didn't?"

"Eh good point" He says chuckling

I put my hands on his face and stand on my tip toes, then kiss him.

"Hey Y/N?" He says After we pull back

"Yea?" I ask

"I love you too, and as long as we're together, everything will be ok" He

I hug him.

"And people say you're tough" I chuckle

"Yea yea, let's keep this between you and me"

We both laugh


So yea... I'm not creative and my writing sucks so yea haha

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