Dallas Winston - "They just don't get it."

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I'm sure most of you can tell where I got the inspiration from once y'all read this 💀

Y/n sat on the couch, her legs crisscrossed, her elbows resting on her legs, hands under her chin.

The majority of the gang was spread out in the living room, some on the floor, some on the furniture, Mickey Mouse playing on the T.V. all the guys completely enthralled by it, except for Darry, who sat on his chair with the newspaper.

Ponyboy, Johnny and Dally took a beer run, but not too much later they returned, each carrying a case of beer

Dally walked into the house, setting the case of beer he was holding on the kitchen counter before grabbing two, and walking back to the living room.

He handed one to Y/n, having already opened it, and sat in front of her, leaning against the couch. She took a sip, setting it on the side table.

She stretched her legs out in front of her, slouching against the back of the couch, subconsciously messing with his hair.

Neither were aware of the rest of the gangs stare, neither paid any attention to the looks that were exchanged, as they both kept their eyes glued to the TV. Leaving all the others wondering one collective thought.

Each of them simultaneously wondered if Y/n and Dally were finally a thing.

It'd been a long time in the making, but today they've been closer, physically, than ever.

But everyone continued to wonder, until Steve finally spoke up.

"Okay, so are y'all dating or not?" He looked between the two of them. "You have to be dating, I mean look at the two of you-"

"We're not dating." Dally and Y/n said at the same time, looking at Steve. Upon seeing his look of unbelief, they both looked at everyone else, seeing the same look. "We are not dating."

"Oh c'mon, we ain't stupid." Soda chimed in. "Y/n, be honest with us."

"He is not my boyfriend-"

"I am not her boyfriend." Dally sighed and rolled his eyes, shaking his head before he looked at Y/n. "They just don't get it."

"No, why would they?" Y/n rolled her eyes before standing up after Dally stood. "Let's go baby."

"Baby?" Two Bit practically yelled. "Oh my God, you have got to be kidding me. Y/n, just admit it."

"We aren't dating, my God." Y/n rolled her eyes before smirking slightly. "Why are y'all so obsessed with us?"

Dally wrapped his arm around her waist, as they walked to and out the door, ignoring the gangs comments.

"Seriously? How are they not dating?" Ponyboy exclaimed, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

"Just don't," Darry sighed. "The headache ain't worth it, trust me."

"Ten bucks says they won't admit to dating until after they're hitched." Johnny piped in, looking out the window, seeing Dally wrap his arm around Y/n's shoulders.

"Twenty saying it'll be after they get married and have at least two kids, and a fish." Soda shrugged.

"I'll get in on that bet." Two Bit said, chuckling.

"We aren't betting on Y/n and Dally's love lives..." Darry said. "But if we were, I'd go with Soda."

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