Johnny Cade - "I don't know..."

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She fought back. She did. But unfortunately, she stood no chance in when it's four against one.

As she layed there, her face hurt. Her body hurt with each tremble that seized her body.

When she was certain that they were gone, she dragged herself up. Her knees shook as she slowly started walking to the only safe place she could think of, the Curtis house.

Her once clean shirt was bloodstained, her hands had blood from the boys that'd jumped her and her own. There was a cut that went from her jawline up to the outer corner of her eyebrow.

Not bothering to knock, she walked right in. The room was dimly lit, the light for the TV and kitchen the only illumination. "Oh hey Y/n, where ya been?" Soda glanced at her, squinting into the darkness.

She flipped on a lamp. Her face being lit up instantly. Soda gasped and shot up immediately, being followed by Johnny, Pony, Steve, Two, Darry and Dally.

They all crowded around her, inspecting her. Darry sighed as he saw that the cut on her face would need stitches.

"Who did this?" Johnny asked quietly, a harsh tone weaved in his tone.

"I don't know..." Y/n said "They were wearing masks."

"I'm going to kill those sons of-"

Soda put a hand on Johnnys arm. "Calm down Johnny."

"No, I'm not going to calm down" Johnny exclaimed rather loudly "They could have killed her. I refuse to calm down."

Y/n never seen him like this "Johnny, it's okay. I'm okay. It's a okay."

"Y/n, they could have killed you. I love you too much to let them do something like this without getting even."

"Yeah?!" Y/n matched Johnnys raised tone "Well I love you too much to let you go out and get yourself killed because of me"

Johnny and Y/n froze. That was the first time they'd said that to eachother. After the initial shock wore off of Y/n, she started to laugh.

The gang looked confused, along with Johnny. "What's so funny?" Ponyboy asked

After catching her composure, she looked at them "Oh nothing, nothing. Johnny and I just never said that before"

Johnny looked at Y/n and chuckled "Yeah, yeah you're right"

Johnny raised his hand and wiped a drop of blood off Y/n's face. "I'm sorry, it just infuriates me when people hurt you."

"I know, I feel the same when people hurt you Johnnycakes." Y/n sighed "And Hey I'm all for revenge, but I'll want to help."

Darry opened his mouth "Is revenge really necessary-"

"Yes" Y/n and Johnny said at the same time, before they glanced at eachother, laughing.

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