Darry Curtis - Small Chances

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Y/n sighed as she rolled over, facing Darry. She smiled slightly upon seeing her husband in a peaceful state. Deciding that since it's his day off, he deserves to sleep in, she didn't wake him.

The young woman sat up, stretching before she quietly got out of bed. As she stood up, a wave of nausea washed over her but she shook it off, The woman hadn't been feeling well for the last couple weeks but just figured it was allergies. She grabbed her robe from its hook on the back of the closet door.

Tying it around her waist, she walked out of the room. Ponyboy and Sodapop were already awake, sitting on the couch, Ponyboy was reading and Sodapop was watching T.V.

"Hey guys, have you eaten breakfast yet?" Y/n asked as she walked to the kitchen, the clock read nine o'clock.

"No, we just got up." Soda said groggly from his spot on the sofa.

"In that case, would you prefer pancakes or waffles?" The woman asked, leaning against the wall with her arms loosely crossed.

"Waffles" Both boys said together.

"Alright then." Y/n chuckled as she turned around and got to work.

After Y/n had finished the first few waffles, some bacon and some sausage, Johnny and Dally trampled into the house.

She shush them, Johnny meekly apologizing as he went to sit beside Pony on the couch. Dally, walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, where's Darry?"

"Sleeping. He has today off." Y/n said turning to face the young man. "You and Johnny want some breakfast?"

"If it ain't too much hassle." Dally said

Y/n smiled slightly as she took the just finished waffle off the maker and poured some more batter on.

The gang had a lot of respect for Y/n, including Dallas. They were always nice to her, whether it was because they knew Darry would beat them if they were rude to her or because they knew Y/n could fight.

She finished cooking breakfast, spreading it out on the counters. "Hey, foods ready."

The four boys rushed into the kitchen, grabbing plates and piling food on them.

Darry sleepily walked into the kitchen, already dressed. He walked over to his wife, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Hey Darlin'." Y/n said "Did we wake you?"

He shook his head. "Nah, I couldn't sleep anymore. I'm not used to sleeping this late."

She chuckled quietly "Well, I made some breakfast. There might be some left." She said teasingly.

Darry grabbed a plate, handing one to her. She took it, nausea waving over her. Setting the plate down rather harshly she rushed to the restroom.

Y/n slammed the door shut then gripped the side of the sink, willing the feeling to subside. Darry knocked on the door. "Y/n? You okay?"

After a couple of deep breaths, Y/n opened the door and smiled. "Yeah, I'm great. I think my allergies are just really bad."

The woman stepped out of the restroom, just as her world started to spin. The next thing she remembered was her world going black.

She didn't know how long she was out for but when she came to, she was in a hospital room. Confusion surged through her, Darry was sitting beside her bed and a doctor walked in almost like he knew she woke up.

The doctor asked several questions, many Y/n answered with no hesitation. "Do you think there's any possibility you could be pregnant?"

Y/n raised her eyebrows "Um... I suppose there could be a small chance, yeah."

"Well, your chances just increased."

"What do you mean?" Darry asked, running his thumb over the top of Y/n's hand.

"Your wife is pregnant, Mr. Curtis."

"Oh." Y/n said before she realized what she had just been told. "Oh... Oh... Um, alright, well can I go home now?"

The doctor nodded and left, Y/n and Darry following. When they were out in the truck, Darry put the key in the ignition but didn't start it, he turned and faces Y/n.

"So, um... I could help but feel that you're not excited about having a baby..."

Y/n couldn't look at Darry "It's not that... You know I want children... It's just..."

"Just what darling?"

"Times are tough, we can barely support us and your brothers... Don't get me wrong, I love having them live with us, but what about when there's another mouth to feed regularly?"

"I'll get another job-"

"No, You work hard enough as it is..."

"Fine, then you'll just have to trust that everything will be okay... I will never let anything happen to you or our baby. I know we can make things work."

Y/n sighed, looking at him. "Okay, you're right."

"Now, should we go tell the gang?"

After a brief nod from Y/n they were on their way back home.

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