The gang - Riled up

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This imagine is a little different, as it doesn't include a reader.

New guy: Mark

Play song when it say: "He pressed play" or really whenever.

Requested by: JessieLaxton

Recently, a new guy had been accepted into the gang. And quiet frankly, Ponyboy was over him. At first, it was fine, but now, Darry and Soda are treating the new guy better than Pony.

Mark started a new job at the DX and had been crashing on the Curtis' couch, so every morning as the rest of the gang stopped by, Soda and Mark were in the kitchen.

Right before Darry left, he walked through the kitchen. "Don't forget your lunch, guys." He'd pat Mark and Soda on the shoulder. Ponyboy would found, Darry never said that to Pony.

After a month, Mark had not only stolen Soda and Darry from him, he also stole Johnny as well. Pony would ask Johnny to hang out, but everytime his response was "Sorry Ponyboy... I already made plans with Mark."

He realized that he might not have been that nice to Mark, he thought to himself. "Maybe I should try and make an effort to talk to him, hang out..."

Darry, Mark, Soda, Steve and Twobit walked in from outside, sweat pouring off of them. "Hey Mark," Ponyboy said as he walked into the living room one Saturday morning after several months of Mark. "There's a new movie playing at the nightly double, wanna go see it with me?"

"Oh, I would Ponyboy, but I went with the gang last night."

"Wait, you guys went to see it without me?" Pony turned to look at Steve and Twobit who were sitting on the couch.

Both boys nodded slowly, looking away from the T.V. "Yeah, we didn't think you'd mind..."

"You didn't think I'd mind- of course I would mind, why would I not mind?" Pony said through clenched teeth.

"What's got you so riled up?" Darry returned from the kitchen, a cup of water in each hand, handing one to Mark.

"Nothing, nothing," Ponyboy sighed, leaning against the wall. "Why are you all so sweaty?"

"Oh, we just got done playing a game of flag football." Soda grinned. "We would have woke you up, but you just looked so peaceful."

Pony clenched his hands, and bit his lip. He's had it. He pushed himself off the wall and went back to his room, laying on his bed.

He could hear the gang and Mark laughing in the living room, soon the sounds of laughter faded.

Time passed slowly, and morning turned into evening. Ponyboy contemplated on things to do, but he came up empty handed.

On a whim, he sat up, grabbed a CD and walked into the living room. Mark wasn't in the living room, so Ponyboy knew he was out.

Everyone else was watching TV, so he went over and switched it off, receiving groans of complaints. "Don't talk, just listen." He pressed play.

As the song played, Ponyboy kept his head down and when it had finished he looked back up slowly.

Soda didn't have a goofy grin on his face, and everyone looked serious. "I didn't know you felt this way Ponyboy..." Soda sighed.

"I tried not to... but you guys kept ignoring me. Everytime I wanted to do something, you had already done it with Mark. Everytime I wanted to hang out with someone, Mark had plans with them." Pony crossed his arms. "And on top of that, he was treated more like a brother than me..."

Darry stood up, and walked over to Pony, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "I'm sorry Ponyboy... I didn't realize that we were treating you like that, it's been a while since we've had a new guy around and I guess we kinda pushed you to the side..."

Ponyboy nodded.

"I promise that we'll try to treat you better, okay? Just give Mark a chance."

"Alright Darry."


Ya'll I'm sorry this is so bad, I tried but it's horrible. I'm sorry. ♥✌

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