Sodapop - A proposal Part 1

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(Also Johnny and Dally are alive but this is around a year after the movie/book takes place)

I tap my pencil on my desk nervously, my leg bouncing up and down as well.

I think about my date with Soda, my boyfriend of one year and two months, tonight

Ponyboy, who was sitting behind me, leaned forward

"Hey Y/N" I hear Ponyboy, whisper while laughing quietly "Calm down"

I angle my head to the side

"How can I calm down?" I ask in a whisper "I have a date with Soda tonight, and for some odd reason I'm really nervous"

This is out of character for me, normally I'm calm and cool but today is different.... I don't know why.

"It'll all be ok" He says in a knowing tone

"Miss. Y/L/N, Mr Curtis, is there something you'd like to share with the class?" Our teacher, Mr. Phillips who is a real jerk most the time, asks, looking up from his desk.

"Actually there is" I say look at him about to smart off.

"Y/N if you want to be on time for your date with Soda I suggest you don't finish that sentence." Ponyboy whispers under his breath

I sigh "Ponyboy was just wanting to know if I had and extra pencil."

"Oh, Very well, Carry on." Mr. Phillips says look back down

I hand Pony the pencil that I was tapping on my desk with and reach into my bag to grab another, then I spend the rest of the class trying to focus on the sheet of problems in front of me.

"Class dismissed" Mr. Phillips says standing up

I gather up my note books and shove them in my backpack, not worrying if they got messed up.

I rush out of class and go to my locker and put in the locks combination, then put everything in there, Since it was Friday and Thanksgiving is next week, they didn't give us homework (Do schools do that? I don't know I'm homeschooled so bare with me.)

I look at my watch (Why do I always look at my watch? Like??)

It's 3:10 and Soda said he'd pick me up at 4:30.

Pony walks up to his locker, which is beside mine.

"I don't know why you're rushing, you have over an hour." He says "Plus it doesn't take you long to get ready"

I look at him "I know, I just want to look at least half decent today"

"If it's any consolation you look seventy-five percent decent most days"

"Aww thanks Pony." I say as he throws his arm over my shoulder "But you don't gotta lie."

"I ain't lying." He says "You're to beautiful to lie too"

I roll my eyes and laugh, giving him a side hug.

"You going to your house?" I ask "Or mine?"

"Mine." He says "Soda would probably kill me if I was with you before ya'lls date tonight."

We both laugh

"Maybe after the date we can hang at ya'lls house." I say as we approach my house

"Maybe" He says, in that same knowing tone he used earlier.

"Pony" I say looking at him "Is something wrong?"

"What? No." He says "Why do you ask?"

"You seem off.... Oh gosh he's not gonna break up with me tonight, is he?" I ask my eyes going wide with worry

"Oh no! God no." Ponyboy says trying to console me "He loves you Y/N, He's not gonna break up with you."

I sigh "You're right, you're right."

We reach my house and stop.

"Well I'll see you later, Y/N"

"See ya Ponyboy."

I walk up to the door and go in, heading straight to my room to figure out what I'm gonna wear.

I decide on a black and white striped dress, as I was told to dress nice but casual, by Ponyboy who delivered the message from Soda.

I decide on a black and white striped dress, as I was told to dress nice but casual, by Ponyboy who delivered the message from Soda

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(This dress with no glasses)

And a pair of black flats.
I check my watch, deciding I have enough time to shower.

After I shower it was 4:00 so I dress and blow-dry my hair and put on some light eyeshadow and mascara with a light nudes shade of lipstick, then go down stairs.

I walk into the kitchen waiting for 4:30

I go into the living room and sit on the couch, I pick up a book that was on the coffee table and start reading.

Twenty minutes past and I heard a knock on the door, I get and go to the door, opening it.

"Oh you're early" I say surprised

"Wow you look nice." He says

"Not too bad yourself" I say laughing

"You ready?" He asks chuckling

"Um yep I think so"

I walk out the door, closing it behind me.

"So where are we going?" I ask after we're in the truck.

"To the place where I first told you I love you"

"Seriously?" I ask laughing

"Well why not?" He asks laughing with me

We pull up to the park, and he parks the truck.

"Hold still" He says getting out, he comes over to my side and opens the door, I un buckle and get out, saying thank you.

"Remember the first thing we did that day?" He asks

I immediately knew

"Race you to the swings" I say running

"Hey no fair" He says, running after me, "You got a head start."

"Just like back then" I say laughing as I reach the swings "Ha I won"

I sit on the swing

"Come push me Soda!" I say

"Now I ain't as young as I used to be Y/N" He says standing in front of me, breathing hard.

I laugh

He walks around and starts pushing me, I pump my legs back and forth.

After a few minutes I slow down, he walks back infront of me and extents his hand, I take it.

We walk over to the jungle gym and sit on the merry-go-round

"And here" He says "Is where I told you I love you when I was 6"

"It's also where I said it back" I say laughing

"I love you Y/N" He says

"I love you too" I say looking at him

"Ready for the next part?" He asks

"Yea" I say as we walk back to the truck


Here's part one ♥

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