Ponyboy Curtis - New Girl

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Ponyboy walked into the school partially excited for a new day of learning, partially dreading it because it was yet another day he had to endure people.

He was headed to his locker when he seen some girl standing beside his, with her locker open. When she turned around just a bit, he caught a glimpse of her face. She was real cute, and he didn't recognize her.

He slid through the crowd, unlocking his locker. He pulled open, startled when the girl spoke, even more when he realized she spoke to him.

"Hey, I'm Y/n." She had her hand extended, and a slight smile on her face.

"Oh I'm...my name's Ponyboy…" He hesitated telling her his name afraid she'd make a snarky comment like most people did.

"Is that your actual name?"

"Yeah-" He said defensively. "It says so on my birth certificate and everything, I have a brother named Sodapop as well-"

"I love it." She cut off Pony's rambling, chucking quietly. "I think it's a cool name, so is Sodapop." Ponyboy stopped talking, smiling slightly.

"Say, do you maybe want to hang out after school?" Pony had hesitated before asking, then he immediately regretted his question.

"Sure, sounds good." Y/n smiled softly. "I haven't seen much of Tulsa yet."

"Good, I can show you around."


After school, Pony and Y/n walked to her house and dropped off her bookbag. Then, they set out and explored the town.

They stopped at the DX where they met Soda and his friend Steve, then they passed the lot where they met Ponyboy's best friend Johnny who joined in their excursions.

At some point they ran into Two-Bit Mathews, who relentlessly teased Pony about his new "girlfriend", in an innocent attempt to embarrass the pair.

Right before they were going to head back to Ponys house, they met up with Dally.

"Man, how'd you get someone so nice to talk to you?" He asked Pony as they walked to the Curtis house.

"Simple, he didn't act like a jerk." Y/n retorted.

Dally's mouth hung open in shock for a moment before he glanced at Pony, smirking. "Nice catch Pony, she's a sassy one."

Y/n laughed as the walked in between Johnny and Pony. As they walked into the house, the group seen Darry sitting on his chair.

"Hey Dar, this is Y/n. She's new in town."

"Nice to meet you." Darry stood, shaking her hand as he smiled before looking at Pony.

"What?" He noticed his oldest brothers grin, and wrinkled his brows.

"Nothing." Darry looked back at Y/n. "Hope my little brother and his friends are treating you right."

"Of course. Nearly perfect gentlemen. Well, most of them."

Dally glared at Y/n, noting the teasing in her voice. "Ha. Ha. good one, Y/n."


Several hours later, Ponyboy walked Y/n home. He knew it wasn't safe for her to walk by herself, and Darry wouldn't have let her anyways.

"Thanks for showing me around, I really enjoyed meeting your family."

Pony smiled, knowing when she said family she didn't just mean Soda and Darry. "Anytime, I had fun."

Y/n smiled at him. "Maybe, if you're not doing anything tomorrow, we could hang out again?"

"I'd enjoy that." Pony smiled, nodding at her.

"Awesome, looking forward to that."

Pony watched as the girl walked into her house, waiting til she'd walked in before cheering to himself.

He couldn't wait.

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