Two-bit Mathews - "You were crushing my spleen."

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I lay on the Curtis' couch helping Ponyboy with his history homework

I ask him a question and he answers.

"I'll be right back" Pony says standing up "Wanna anything to drink?"

"Nah, I'm good" I say closing my eyes

I lay there for a minute before a heavy object falls on me

I groan, opening my eyes to see Two-bit, lying on me.

"Hey Minnie"

"Hey Mickey" I say pushing him off me causing him to fall on the floor, making a loud thud on the ground.

"Hey what was that for?"

"You were crushing my spleen" I say sitting up.

"So? Who needs a spleen?"

"Who said I needed it? I'm just very attached to it" I say grinning

He comes and sits beside me and I turn, crossing my legs in a criss cross position.

"So whatcha been up to?" I ask

"Oh the usual"

"Man, with you the usual could be anything" I say frowning playfully

"I know" He grins at me "So what have you been up to?"

"Just helping Pony with his history homework." I say

"Ew, homework" He says, then laughs.

I roll my eyes, chuckling.

"Hey, Y/n"


"I love you"

"I love you too"


I know this is really short and cliché and bad....

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