Sodapop Curtis - "Of course I do."

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(Trigger warning ⚠ deals mildly with suicide)

I run out the the house crying heavily, not caring who saw me.

I run to the edge of the woods breathing hard.

I can't do this any more.

I can't live this life that has no purpose.

I can't live a life where my family doesn't care about me.

I sit down on the roots of a big tree, pulling out the blade the gang got me for my birthday a couple years ago.

I look at it and run my fingers over the cool side.

I sigh wiping my eyes with the back of my hands, then press the sharp blade into my skin.

"Don't do it, Y/N" I hear someone say "Please?"

I jump, dropping the blade.

"No Soda, you don't get it." I say "No one cares, My dad favors my brother, makes me do his chores if he doesn't do them, My mom treats me like trash, my brother and sisters don't give a damn about me. Soda, I ain't got no reason to live"

"You have me, you idiot." He say "You gotta live for me. If you don't I won't be able to. I love you. Don't do this."

"What about Sandy?"

"Nah, she cheated on me. We're over, and I realized she wasn't the one for me, you are."

I stare at him

"Oh Soda, I'm sorry." I say looking down, I notice my wrist is bleeding.

I wipe my wrist on my shirt

"No, don't do that, use this" Soda says taking off his DX shirt, walking over to me.

"Nah I can't use that, it's your uniform."

"Come on, I'll get the blood out some how"

I sigh, caving in.

I grab the shirt fixing over my cut

"Let's get you back to your hou-"

"No" I cut him off, my eyes going wide "I ain't going back there, not now, maybe never."

He's quiet for a moment.

"Then let's go back to my place." He suggests



We walk back to his house in silence
When we get there we walk in and he leads me to the bathroom, where the first aid kit is located.

"Alright, give me your wrist."

I extent my arm

"This might sting."

He puts something on my skin, it stings but I don't move, I just look at the ground.

When he's done he puts gauze over it then wraps it in tape.

"Look at me Y/N" He says lifting my chin "I love you, if something happened to you, I wouldn't be able to continue living."

I just look at him

"You're one of the only things that are keeping me together."

"You really mean it?"

"Of course I do."

I look down then back up

"Aye Soda" I say


"I love you"

He smiles at me

"I love you too"


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