Darry Curtis - "You didn't lock the door."

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-Knock knock-

I hear someone knock on the door.
I roll onto my back, deciding to let someone else get the door.

"Ah shoot." I murmur remembering no one else is home.

Another knock.

I look at my bedside clock

I am going to kill whoever is at the door

No one should be out at this time of day on a Saturday

I roll out of bed combing my fingers through my hair in a failed attempt to make me look decent

I hear a knock again

"Hold your horses" I shout "I'm coming"

I yank open the door

Not even noticing who is at the door
"What the hell do you want?" I ask angrily

"Well good morning to you too sunshine" Darry says

I look at him, glaring.

I slam the door in his face and walk back to bed.

Face planting into my pillows

"Well what was that for?" He asks

I scream, jumping out of bed

"Darry, what the hell?" I ask putting a hand on my chest "Are you trying to kill me? How'd you get in?"

"You didn't lock the door."

"So a shut door means 'come on in'?"

"Yep" He jokes

I get back into bed, pulling the blankets over my head.

"Don't tell me you're still mad about me getting upset with Ponyboy last night"

"I'm not." I say moving the blankets down "I am, however, mad at you waking me up at the unholy hour."

"I'm sorry, I thought you'd be up."

"Why in the world would you think I'd be up at 7:30 on a Saturday or any day for that matter?"

"Well...." He says slowly "I honestly didn't... But I got the day off wanted to spend it with you"

"Aww that's sweet" I smile slightly "But couldn't you have came at like.... I don't know, 12? Or 2?"

"Then most of the day would be gone, and that defeats the purpose of my plan"

"Oh you got a plan today, eh?"

"Yep, so get dressed and get ready to go."

He doesn't move, neither do I.

"Well?" I ask " Go so I can get dressed."

"Do I have too?"

"Do you want me to go back to bed?"

He sighs

"Ok ok, when you get done I'll be in the living room."

I get dressed in jeans and a t-shirt then, because it was chilly, I put on my jean jacket that was actually Darrys old one.

When I finish tying my converses, I go out to the living room

"Ready" I say pulling my hair up into a ponytail

"Great" He says as we walk out to his truck

He opens the door for me


"Thank you, kind sir." He goes around and gets in "So where first?"

"Well since you don't like breakfast I figured we could hit an early movie at the cinema, if you like"

"Oh that sounds great" I say

He puts his hand on mine, grasping it.

We go to the cinema and pick a random movie to see

We get our tickets then go to the room where the movie was showing

We take our seats and he puts an arm around my shoulders.

We quietly talk while the previews are playing, then we become quiet when the movie starts.

He grabs my hand with his free hand and holds it, rubbing small circles with his thumb.

He leans over and whispers "Y'know I love you, right?"

"Y'know I'm trynna watch the movie, right?" I say back playfully

He sighs quietly

A couple hours later the movie ends and we walk out.

By the time the movie was over it was ten thirty

So we decided to walk the park, there were some ducks that we sat and watch

A couple hours later we decide to get lunch

"We gotta stop by my place real quick" He says


We get there and he tells me to stay put, he'll be right back.

"Ok" I say as he walks away

Several minutes later he comes back with a picnic basket

I giggle

"A picnic?" I ask smiling

"I figured it's more romantic then eating at a diner." He grins

He puts the basket in the space between us and starts driving.

He drives us to a empty field and parks

He gets out and comes around to open my door

"Thank you"

He grabs a blanket and spreads it out, grabbing the basket.

We sit there and eat sandwiches

"Hey, Y/N?"


"Thanks for being the most supportive girl in the world."

I blush

"I love ya Darry"

"I love you too"

He puts his arm around my shoulders, all we do is sit and watch the scenery.


I was trying to show Darrys soft side?? Lol

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