Being Johnny Cades younger sister:

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Being Johnny Cades younger sister:

- You're younger, but only by a two years. And you feel it's important to remind him daily, especially when he treats you like you're three.

- Polar opposites. If he's a puppy, you're a cat. If he's ice, you're fire.

- You and Pony have a thing ;)

- It's nothing toooo serious, but Johnny absolutely ships you two. Like hardcore.

- Like Johnny, Dallas is very protective. You might as well be his sister.

- You and Johnny have a brother/sister relationship like no other.

- Because of the constant fighting between your parents, you two spend a lot of nights at the lot.

- Darry treats you and Johnny like family, offering to let ya'll crash at the Curtis place.

- Dally does the same.

- You were with Johnny and Pony when he killed the socs. You were actually proud.

- Sometimes when you guys were hiding out, you'd both go lay outside and talk about random things.

- Johnny loved to try and embarrass you, or atleast make you upset, but it was always jokingly.

- He jokingly told you to name Yours and Ponyboy first child after him one night.

- When he was in the hospital, you witnessed Twobit tell of ya'lls mom. She tried to take you home, but two bit wouldn't let her.

- Before Johnny died, he made you promise that when you and Pony got married, he'd get to walk you down the isle.

- He hated when you would smoke, so you stopped when he died.

- When Johnny died after the fire, you were crushed. While normally, your emotions were in check, they weren't so much anymore.

- Even several years after is death, when you were all grown up, you told many stories to your children about their Uncle Johnny.

- You named your first son after him.


Maybe it's quarantine, or maybe this was just that emotional, but I nearly cried while writing this.

Who should I write next? I'll eventually write everyone else but is there someone you want next?

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