Steve Randle - Haunted House

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Steve Randle walked into the Curtis Brothers house, beside Y/n. Their hands were intertwined.

"Okay so why haven't we gone yet?"

"Because it's a joke local high-schoolers made up to scare younger kids, Y/n." Steve rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"So?" Y/n laughed quietly, nudging his side with her arm. "Even if it was just a joke, it still sounds fun."

"What are y'all talking about?" Ponyboy asked, looking at Y/n as she sat down beside him.

"Have you heard about that house? The only abandoned one that supposedly haunted."

Johnny's eyes went wide as he nodded. "Oh trust me, it is haunted, Ponyboy told me."


"Yeah, I seen it myself, it's definitely haunted." Ponyboy said as Johnny sat on the floor. "I've been trying to get Johnny to come with me but he's too chicken."

"I am not, I just… I ain't taking any risks."

"I will." Y/n said as she looked at Johnny, shrugging. "I've been trying to get Steve to go but he's too chicken as well."

She rolled her eyes playfully as Steve gently hit her arm, wrapping his around her shoulders tightly.

"I ain't chicken." Steve rolled his eyes. "If it makes you shut up about it, I'll go with you two."

"Where ya'll going?" Two-bit asked as he walked in, Dally following close behind him.

"To the abandoned house that supposedly is haunted. Wanna come?"

"Definitely, when are we going?"

"No better time than midnight." Y/n shrugged, raising a brow as a mischievous smile made its way on her face.

"Alright let's do it." Steve nodded hesitantly.

A few hours later, Y/n and Steve stood outside the Curtis house, waiting for Pony and Steve to return with flashlights.

Dally, Johnny and Two-bit all walked up their own flashlights in hand and not too long after the two younger Curtis' returned.


The boys all mumbled different variances of yes as they all hesitantly started off in the direction of the house.

Y/n fell behind Steve slightly, nudging Dally in the ribs as she glanced at him, motioning for him to be quiet.

No one had said a word in a good few minutes, Dally instantly caught on to Y/n's scheme.

The house was in view, only a couple of hundred feet away now. Y/n tiptoed up behind Steve, hoping on his back as she quietly said "Boo"

Steve hollered, trying to throw Y/n off his back, unaware that it was her. She broke down in laughter as she hopped down, holding onto her stomach as she laughed.

"Not funny."

"Kinda is." Y/n shrugged as she wiped tears from under her eyes, the rest of the gang laughing as well.

"Aw shut up." He rolled his eyes. "Who's going in first."

"I'll do it." Y/n said as she jogged up to the stairs. She glanced back, seeing the boys following behind her.

"What, you gonna let your girl show you up?" Dally asked Steve, smirking slightly.

Steve glared at him before chuckling quietly. "Nah, but I do have plan."

She was already inside by the time the boys made it to the steps, so Steve quietly walked in.

He flipped off his flashlight, listening for the sounds of her foot steps as he avoided and boards that looked like they'd make noise.

He saw her light as quietly walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her arms so she couldn't move.

Y/n yelped, trying to pull free from whatever had a hold on her.

"Oh my God, Steve Randle that is not funny."

"It totally was." He laughed, as he loosened his grip, leaning back.

She elbowed his ribs, rolling her eyes. "Just wait till we see something to actually be scared of."

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