Johnny Cade - "She's kinda hot."

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I walked into the nightly double, taking a seat near the front, in front of a group of greasers.

I, myself, am not I rich.

My family is actually really poor, but we get along just fine. Mostly.

I recognized them. All of them.

There was Ponyboy Curtis, who I recognized from school, Dallas Winston, who I knew because, I mean who doesn't know Dallas Winston? and Johnny Cade, former best friend, and occasional classmate, when he can be bothered to show up at school.

It's not that he's not smart enough, he actually has fairly decent grades, he just doesn't like school.

"Isn't that Y/n?" I heard Ponyboy whisper.

"Mhmm" Johnny mumbles, making me roll my eyes.

If it hadn't been for Ponyboy or any of the rest of that dumb gang I was certain we'd still be friends.

"She's kinda hot" I heard Dallas say, not like he was trynna whisper, I knew he was trynna get a rise out of me. He always does. Every. Single. Time.

I cross my arms, a lousy attempt to keep my anger at bay.

Dallas leans forward, close to my ear.

"Hey doll, Haven't seen you around here in a while, where ya been?"

"Around." I bite back, it's no secret around here, if you get on my nerves, or test me, I can be worse than Dallas himself.

"Should stop by my place sometime."

"Oh, I would but I'm trynna cut down on my daily dumpster visits." I smirk, keeping my gaze level at the screen.

He scoffs leaning back, in his seat. "If you weren't a girl, I'd have fought you by now."

"Then do it, Winston." I turn in my seat to face the group behind me.

"Oh my, my, I'm so scared." He leans forward again, making our face only a couple inches away.

Without thinking, I bring my hand up across his face, standing up immediately afterwards.

Dallas shoots up, gripping my arm tight enough to surly leave a mark.

"Let go of me"

"No." He says, gripping my arm tighter. "You know you're all bark but no bite"

"Wanna see if that's true?" I yank my arm out of his grasp "Fight me. We both know your dad never taught you not to hit a girl. It wouldn't matter. You're gonna end up in jail anyways, might as well-"

Dallas' eyes blaze, his anger obvious, he reaches out, gripping my wrist. "Shut the-"

"Leave her alone Dally." A voice pipes up.

"What'd you say?" We both look at the own of the voice, our faces shocked.

"I said leave her alone." Johnny says, making his way to us. "She ain't done nothing to you"

"She ain't done nothing? She-"

"Let her go." Johnny says once more.

Dallas looks between the two of us before shoving my wrist backwards, causing me to stumble.

I steadied myself, looking at Johnny with no expression, before leaving the drive in's lot.

"Y/n- wait up" He calls

"I don't want to talk to you, Cade." I call back to him, continuing to walk.

I hear him running to catch up with me so I break out into a fast paced sprint.

Johnny, having always been faster, catches up with me rather quickly.

He reaches for my wrist, stumbling. Causing the both of us to fall.

Even though he's small he was able to pin me to the ground.

"Talk to me."

"I don't want to talk to you." I say

"I'm not letting you go til you do. Why were you treating him like that?"

"Why was I - Why was he treating me like that?" I say "No, better yet, why did you treat me how you did?"


"You know,'' I shove him off me, sitting up." Becoming friends with those guys and abandoning me."

"I never meant for it to be like that-"

"Mhmm." I roll my eyes

"I swear-"

"We used to be close..."


I push myself off the ground, standing up. "I gotta go. See ya around Cade."

"Wait- Y/n..." He stands up "Do you think maybe we could hang out... Sometime? If you don't want to we don't -"

"Sure" I smile "I'd like that"

"Good" He says, a small smile on his lips

"And Hey," I say before I leave "Remember. You always have a place at my house"

With that, I was gone.

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