Sodapop Curtis - "Exactly."

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Sodas P.O.V

I couldn't help but admire the way her long wavy light brown hair flowed down her back as I watched her look at the gum choices at the DX.

She reached up and moved a strand of hair out of her face letting me see the side of her face, man was she pretty.

She chose what gum she wanted and walked over to me at the counter.

She looked up at me, she was even prettier closer up.

"Uh... Um.. Will that be all?" I ask

She looked up at me with sad emerald green eyes, and even though she was smiling, she still looked upset.

"Mmhmm" She mumbles looking away quickly, as if she thought I could read her mind.

I give her the total and take the money.

Then after a moment of silence I open my mouth to say something, but pause. Instead I just give her her change.

She turns on her heel and walks towards the door, causing her long hair to move over her shoulder.

I open my mouth again "I know it's none of my business but can I as why you're so down today?"

She pauses, hand on the door.

"Wait I shouldn't have asked a personal questions without introducing myself first. I'm Sodapop, Sodapop Curtis, but everyone calls me Soda."

She turns and walks back over to me slowly.

She looks down at the counter and back at me. Then sighs silently, leaning on the counter with her elbows.

"I know who you are, everyone knows who you are. And we used to go to school together before you...." Her voice trailed off, but then she smiled slightly, her emerald green eyes piercing into mine

"I suppose I could say the same about you"

Her eyes go wide, like she wasn't expecting me to know who she was.

"You're Y/n Y/l/n, you keep to yourself, kinda a loner, never really talk..." I feel my voice trail off as I notice her eyes get sadder.

"So anyways, we both know eachother, so why are you sad?"

She shrugs "I don't know... Life's just kicking me."

"Ah come on, I know there's more then just that, you can tell me."

She sighs, then opens her mouth hesitantly.

I smile, hoping she'll see she can trust me.

"I don't know, I guess everyone's just making me feel like I'm worthless. And then there's school. And people expecting me to be someone I'm not."

"And who is that?"

"Someone who is always mature, never jokes around, never immature, someone who never acts out."

"But that's not who you are." I state


"Why don't you come with me? We can grab a burger and talk"

"Sounds good" She smiles

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