Darry Curtis - The worst kind of Heartbreak

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[A/n: stuff is most likely incorrect just letting ya'll know.]

Darry and I have been married for five years, we live in the original Curtis house, which we added on to when we found out we were expecting.

"Josephine Margaret Curtis, let's go"

"I'm coming mommy" She calls

"Darry, could you grab my bag?" I ask him, scooping Jo into my arms when she ran into the room "Ready to go see your cousins?"

She nods eagerly "Yes! yes! yes!"

"Alrighty," I put her down, smiling "Go get your shoes on"

Darry walks into the living room, wrapping his arms around my waist "Hey Darlin'."

"Hey babe" I say turning to look at him.

He leans down and kisses me gently

I sigh "We gotta go"

"Do we have to? Couldn't we just have them pick up Jo and we could have some fun..."

"I'd love that but I promised them we would see them today"

He sighs "Fine"

I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him quickly then remove myself from his grasp

"Jo" I call "Jo come on"

She walks into the room, looking extremely pale.

"Jo are you ok?"

As soon as those words leave my mouth, she collapses on the ground.

I rush over to her "No, no, Jo, Jo. Wake up! Darry help"

Darry was already by my side, picking up Jo, and running out to his truck.

I follow them, and get in, Darry hands me Jo, then slides in.

We reach the hospital in five minutes, after paying no attention to the speed limit.

We rush in, Darry holding her.

"Help us! help her!" I say "Something is wrong, help us!"

Soon they have her on a stretcher, and take her back.

For the first time I feel my tears falling down my cheeks.

Darry wraps me in a hug "Shhh, it'll all be ok... It will all be ok..."

I sob harder

"We should probably call the gang..."

I nod, wiping my tears. "Yeah yeah you're right"

He grabs my hand and we walk to the phone, Darry starts dialing numbers.

I rest my head on his shoulder, waiting as he called the the gang.

When he finished we went and sat down, feeling Restless.

Steve, Two-bit, Johnny, Ponyboy, Sodapop and Dally rush in.

"Y/n! Darry!" Pony says

We both stand up, all wrapping us in a hug.

I start crying again.

"Mr and Mrs. Curtis?"

"Yes?" Darry and I say together

"You can come on back"

Us and the gang follow the doctor to her room.

"Hey Jo..." Darry says quietly as we walk in

"Hey honey..." I smile at her "Feeling better?"

She shrugs then nods "Yeah"


"Mr and Mrs Curtis, can I have a word with you?"

We nods


"Cancer?" I ask "Our daughter has cancer?"

I grip Darrys hand, which was on my shoulder.

The doctor nods "Yes... I am so sorry... It's early enough to where, if we're lucky, we can catch it with medications and chemo. With her being young, it is more likely to work."

"Cancer" I whisper

"Thank you, Doctor." Darry says

"I'll give you two a minute"

Darry turns me to face him, engulfing me in a tight hug "Hey, we'll get through this. Together. Everything will be ok."

I start to cry hard, into his shoulder.

"Everything is going to be ok"


It's been four months, Jo finished chemo, her once long, brown, hair started to grow back.

She was doing so good.

Then everything went south...

I gripped her hand that was laying in the hospital bed, telling her her favorite story.

"Mommy, Daddy" She interrupts me quietly

"Yes sweetie?" I say

"Whats up Josie?"

"I love you"

"I love you-" We say together

"And I'm going to miss ya'll"

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows

"What do you mean?" Darry asks

"When I leave... To go vist Grandma and Grandpa... Uncle Two said that's what's gonna happen sometime..."

"Well I don't think It'll be soon" I say

"Mommy... It's ok... I'm not afraid"

My eyes fill with tears "That's good baby"

"Daddy? Do you think they'll like me?"

"They'll love you my dear."

She smiles at him and he returns the smile.

Tears fall down my cheeks

"Mommy, don't be sad. When you're sad it makes me sad..."

"I'm sorry baby... I'll try to be happy."

I could tell she was fading, and I knew Darry knew too.

"I love you" Jo whispered quietly as she faded.

I put my head on the bed, sobbing.

Darry puts his head on my shoulder, rubbing circles on my back.


Two years later, I stood at the grave, my stomach bulging, a sign of pregnancy.

I kneel down.

Taking a deep breath I begin to talk, just as I had every day for the last two years.

"Hey Jo... Today would've been your sixth birthday... Wow..." I laugh, a tear slipping down my check "If you were still here I know you'd be happy to be an older sister... You would've made an amazing one..."

Darry walks up behind me and kneels down, his hand on my back.

"We miss you every day" He says "And we'll never forget you"

"Never" I whisper


This is bad but it actually made me cry

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