Dallas Winston - "I wouldn't go up there." part two

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"Give me a second chance, I'm sorry-"

This was completely unlike him, and Y/n knew this. He doesn't beg, yet here he was, one step from being on his knees.


Y/n got her hand free from his grasp, taking a few steps back before he could try and grab her hand again. "No, Winston."

"Y/n, please-"

"I said no."

With that, Dallas watched her walk out of sight, the realization of what he did crushing him.


Rage flowed through Y/n's veins as she tried to take deep breaths, she knew she needed to be alone but she also knew that if she needed to say goodbye to everyone, or at least her best friend.

Y/n knocked on the door, taking a deep breath as she wiped below her eyes and clearing her throat. Two-bit Mathews opened the door greeting her with a big smile before it slipped off his face. "What happened?"

"I'm leaving." The rain continuing to soak through her clothes

"What? Why?" Two-bit stepped outside, looking at her as he tried to figure out the emotions she was feeling.

"I just need a change of scenery..."

"Don't lie to me, Y/n."

She signed deeply. "Dallas cheated on me."

Unbeknownst to Y/n and Two-bit, Dallas had instantly ran to the Curtis house a few minutes after Y/n had left him. He wanted to find her. He needed to find her.

He flung the door open, his clothes dropping on the floor creating a puddle below him. "Where's Y/n? Is she here?"

"We haven't seen her since she left, she said she was going to Bucks to hang out with you." Ponyboy was the one answer Dallas. "Why? Did she never show up?"

"No, no, she did... But she, uh, she left."

"She's probably back at her house by now, did you check there?"

"Nah, she isn't there..." Dallas' voice was shaking, despite all the effort he was putting in to keep it solid. "Darry, I need to talk to you, outside. Alone."

"What's so big that you can't talk about it in front of us, huh?" Steve rolled his eyes, but was only joking.

Darry motioned for Dallas to walk outside and he followed behind him. "What's on your mind, Dal?"

"I messed up... big time." Dally looked at Darry as he shoved him hands into his pockets. "Y/n caught me cheating on her."

"Why would you do something stupid like that?" Darry practically shouted at him before lowering his voice. "That girl really loves you."

"I know... I know..." Dallas cleared his throat. "I messed up big time and I regret it. I... I guess I just got scared."

"Scared of what?"

"Scared of her leaving me... Or something happening, I just... I don't know why I did but I do know that I need her in my life and I would never intentionally hurt her."

"I know you wouldn't." Darry contemplated telling him where Y/n was at briefly. "She's probably at Two's house."

"Thanks Darry." Dallas instantly took off towards the Mathews residence.

It was still pouring rain but Dallas was already so soaked it didn't effect him. And by now, it had soaked Two-bit, as he was still standing outside with Y/n.

Y/n had convinced Two to not go after Dal, but when he saw the man running up, he couldn't contain himself. "Dal, you best get out of here before I tear you a new one."

"Just let me talk to Y/n... Please."

"You need to go."

"Y/n, I love you and I wouldn't ever hurt you intentionally. I know it sounds like an excuse when I say I'm sorry and I was just scared but really, I was... I am, and I am so so sorry... I need you in my life... I need you..."


part three maybe?

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