Dallas Winston - "I'll date Dally if I want."

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"I don't want you dating Dally." Darry says "And I'm sure your parents wouldn't either."

I roll my eyes

"You have zero control over me, Darry." I say crossing my arms

"While your family is out of town and you're staying under my roof, I do." He says "Besides, you know your parents think he's no good."

"So?" I question "They thought my ex was good but turns out he wasn't." I say

"Dally isn't a good guy, Y/N." He says "He hurts people, and robs places and isn't the kind of guy a girl like you should get involved with."

"A girl like me?" I ask "Enlighten me."

"A girl with your reputation" He says.

"No, no, no." I say "I don't have a reputation. My family has a rep but not me. I'm supposed to not "tarnish" it" I say putting air quotes around tarnish

"What you do, who you date, who you are around, affects that rep though"

"Don't you think I'm aware of that?" I ask raising my voice slightly "I'm sick of having to uphold something I don't care about, and you really think we should hit the topic of who I'm around?"

He sighs "Look, Kid." He says "I'm not gonna fight with you."

"Is that because you know I'd win?" I ask

"No its because I don't have the energy to fight with you. Just stay away from Dally, No dating him. Ever."

I roll my eyes

"I gotta go to work." He says "No Dally" He walks out the door

I roll my eyes and get up, walking out of the house.

Mumbling "I'll date Dally if I want, Besides if they didn't want me to date him they wouldn't tell me not to"

I walk around for a bit. Before deciding to go back to the Curtis house

"Hey Y/N" I hear someone yell, I turn around

"Hey Dally"

"Whatchu doing out here alone doll?"
He asks throwing his arm over my shoulder

"I was left alone, at the Curtis' house"

"Hmm" He says mischievously

"No, don't even think about it." I say removing his arm from my shoulder then crossing my arms.

"Hey, you mad at me Doll?"

"No, Just at Darryl" I say

"Oh using his full name, this is serious." He chuckles "What'd he do this time?"

"Told me I couldn't date you." I said " And that my parents wouldn't approve either."

"Hmm" He says

"But, Honestly if they didn't want me to not date you, they would've stayed quite about it." I say turning to face Dally

I look up at him

"You'd think they know by now" Dally say

"I know, right?" I laugh putting my hands on his face and stand on my tip toes.

Then I kiss him

Some yells at us from across the street

"Darryl is gonna be so mad at you two" Sodapop yells at us laughing
We break apart

"Eh, he's harmless" I yell back laughing

We walk over and join Sodapop, while Dally has his arm over my shoulder.

We hang out for a few hours then head back to the Curtis' house

Dallys arm is over my shoulder as we walk in the house behind Soda


"Yea" I said calmly "But you should know by now telling me not to do something makes me want to do it even more."

Everyone except Darry laughs

"Y/N." He says


"You are one hell of a handfull."

"I know" I laugh


First chapter....

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