The whole gang - "I can't believe it..."

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(In this imagine, the whole gang is comforting you after Dallys death)

I hear gun shots as we run to the park
"No!" I hear one of the guys yell "He's just a kid"

We reach Dally and the Cops

Dallys just laying there on his back
And I drop to my knees

"No Dally, please, no." I cry "Dally please. Don't leave me"

Tears run down my face, I don't bother trying to stop them.

Soda kneels beside me

I turn and cry into his chest.

"I can't believe it, I can't believe he's gone." I cry harder

Several minutes pass, the cops took Dallys cold, limp body from the wet ground, and moved it to the back of their car.

I breathe in ragged breaths

I can't tell if I'm angry or sad or both.

Soda stands up, I stand with him.

We all walk back to the Curtis' house, in silence.

I feel as if I might throw up.

Before we walk in the house I tell the guys I'm really tired and just wanna go home, by myself.

"No" Darry says "It's too dark. You can crash on my bed, I'll call your folks, but you're not walking home."

I sigh "Ok, but I'll sleep on the couch."

"No after the da-"

"We've all had a day, Darry." I say

"Please, just let me sleep on the couch, I don't wanna fight."

"Ok, I guess." He says

We all walk in and Darry phones my folks

I sit on the couch, waiting to make sure everyone else gets settled before I crash.

"They said don't feel rushed to go home, just know they love you."

"Ok" I smile weakly "Hey...."


"Would one of you mind staying with me?"

They all say they will

"Nevermind..." I say

"No" Darry says "We'll all stay with you."

"Ok..." I sigh

We all lay down scattered about the living room.

I fall asleep to the sound of two bit snoring quietly.

~ The next morning ~

I sit up and yawn.

The sky's cloudless and I hear birds chirping, it's taking my mind off my aching back.

I get up off the floor and head to the kitchen

Where I see five very tired men

"Hey" I say cheerfully

"Hey?" They all say questioning like.

"Where's Dally?" I ask "And Johnny?"

Odd... Normally they're here.

"Y/N?" Two bit asks


"Y/N" He says very softly "They both died yesterday..."

I laugh

"Aww quit messing with me."

"Y/N... He's not messing with you" Soda says

"W-what?" I ask, my voice breaking

"They aren't here anymore" Darry says

I start to cry

All the guys come up and surround me in a big hug

~ Three months later ~

It's been three months since Johnny and Dally died....

These have been the three most hardest months of my life

Everyday I wake up with an empty hole in my heart. A void, that no matter how hard I try, can be filled.
The gang has been there for me 24/7
There's not a day that passes that one (or mostly all) of the guys aren't with me.

Today however, I convinced them to let me vist their graves myself.

I walk to the cemetery, willing myself not to cry.

I get there and walk to their headstones sitting down

"You guys have missed so much these last few months" I say quietly.
"The socs aren't being as mean, I think they just feel bad for us."

I laugh

"The gang really misses ya'll. We all do.... It's been hard...." My breathing gets ragged "Ponys hair is starting to go back to brown...."

I say changing the subject

"Two-bit considered going blonde, but Steve told him he acts blonde enough, even without blonde hair." I laugh, my eyes filling with tears

I look at my watch

"I should probably get going guys"

I kiss the tips of my fingers, pressing them the the cold headstones. "I love you guys" I say before walking away, wrapping my jacket around my body.

I reach the Curtis house and walk in.
I sit on the couch.... Somehow that vist made me feel more.... At peace.

I lay down and close my eyes

I fall asleep remembering all the great memories with the gang.... The whole gang... The gang with Dally, Johnny, Ponyboy, Sodapop, Steve, Two-bit, and Darry.


I was watching the movie when I decided to write this... And I either cried because of this or the movie.
Anyways..... Enjoy? Ig? 😶💖

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