Dallas Winston - New Years surprise

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"Any word from Y/n?" Dallas asked as he walked into the Curtis household.

"Nope, sorry Dal" Johnny called in reply from the kitchen.

"Oh, well whatever." Dallas stormed to the couch plopping down beside Soda.

"What's got him in a mood?" Ponyboy asked, continuing to make the sandwich he was in the process of making.

"Y/n said she'd call him today and talk a bit because she can't make it today for the new years eve party." Johnny said, sighing. "This long distance thing is killing him"

"Actually," Darry said coming into the kitchen "Can you two keep a secret?" He lowered his voice, a serious look on his face.

"Yeah" The boys nodded frantically.

"Okay," Darry sighed "Y/n is traveling in today. She'll be here sometime this evening."

Johnnys face lit up, He loved Y/n like a sister and he, as well as the rest of the gang, missed her. Not as much as Dallas of course, but still.

"Really?" He asked, grinning.

"Yep" Darry nodded, a small smile on his face "Man, it's been so long."

"Yeah, it has. I can't wait to see her again" Ponyboy said, taking a bite of his sandwich. "Do the others know?"

Darry shook his head "No, Steve and Soda just got home not long before Dallas got here and I was gonna tell them but, well, Dallas got here. And Two-bit just can't keep a secret for the life of him."

The boys nodded, agreeing. "Makes sense."

A few hours later, as they were getting ready for their New years countdown, the phone rang.

Somehow, Darry convinced everyone to stay in and do the countdown with them, so Dallas was around to answer the phone.

"Curtis residents." He said into the receiver.

"Hey Dal, it's me" Dallas heard Y/n's voice come through the phone, and a small smile formed on his lips. "I'm sorry I can't make it" She continued.

Dallas sighed "It's fine, I understand. I just wish you could be here to be my New Years kiss. Mainly cause I surely ain't kissing one of those guys"

Y/n chuckled slightly, looking around the bus station at all the commotion before "Yeahhhh, well let me just say I'm glad about that. But I figured you'd go to bucks tonight or something."

"Well I thought about it but then I figured, hey, why not hang around here because my girlfriend isn't around." He chuckled

"About that, I'm sorry I can't make it-"

Darry came up behind him and took the phone out of Dallas' hand, pushing him away in a brotherly manner, putting it up to his ear "Y/n? Yeah hey, don't let him fool you. It was my idea"

Y/n laughed quietly "Yeahhh, I kinda figured. Hey, so my bus keeps on getting delayed and, as long as they don't just flat out cancel it I should be there around eleven thirty."

Darry sighed "Alright, well keep safe."

"Alright, thanks. See you in a bit. Tell everyone I said hey, don't forget to sneak out and pick me up please."

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