Two-bit Matthews -"What's it like?"

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[This one is kinda an AU. It's not part of the book or movie, Dallas dies the same way but not for the same reason. Also I have no clue what this is, I just started writing and this happened sooooo]

They warned me about hanging out with Dallas. My whole family, my friends. Everyone. Did I listen? No.

The only reason I started hanging out with him was because Two-bit was friends with him. Two-bit didn't mind that I was friends with him, he thought it was rather cool actually seeing how Dally could be a jerk sometimes.

We just wanted to have a little fun. But a little fun turned into a big issue when we accident went a little too far. Our fun was originally only going to consist of robbing a few stores, killing a man, even in self defense, was never on the list.

It didn't take long for the Soc's friends to notify the cops, the cops soon on our tails as we tried to find a place to hid out. Unfortunately, they one up'd us.

I held my hands in surrender till Dallas broke out in a run through an opening. Despite my better judgment, I followed.

The cops didn't hesitate using their guns on us, bringing us reluctantly to the ground as they ended Dallas' life and hit me in my right beside my heart. I could feel the blood filling up in my lung as I slowly made my way back to him.

The gang arrived, instantly kneeling beside us. I was feeling faint, my breathing labored.

Two-bit kneeled beside me, holding me in his arms "Are you okay? Did they get you?"

I wasn't able to respond with more than a small nod as the life slipped out of me.

Two-bit held on to me tightly. "I'm sorry Two... I love you, I love you and I'm sorry"

The last thing I heard before my world went black was "I love you too, more than anything"

It had been three years since my life ended, Two stick visited my grave daily, the rest of the gang visited mine and Dallas' regularly.

First person I saw, was Dallas. He hadn't left my side since I arrived a few minutes after him.

Somehow, our deaths brought us closer together. I told him how I felt guilty that Two-bit hadn't seemed to move in and that I wished there was something I could do.

I don't know how but he was kneeling right infront of me now, his back to me. Cautiously I took a few steps towards him. I placed my hand on his back, startling him.

He turned around, blinking rapidly before he stood up. His mouth was moving but nothing was coming out.

"Keith, I don't know how I got here, and I don't know how long I'll be here for so please, listen to me." O say in one breath "I love you, but I'm no longer here and I need you to move on. I want you to be happy. I want you to have the life you wanted with me, just with someone else."

He wrapped his arms around me, nodding "Okay, okay." He sighed, tears rolling down his cheeks "Hey... What is it like? Wherever you are?"

"It's starting to feel like home." I shrug, wrapping my arms around him. "It'll still be awhile before it feels completely like home."

He laughed quietly "Understandable."

"I need to go back now..."

Two leaned forward, pressing his lips to mine softly. I kissed back before I sighed. Leaving him to move on.

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