Darry Curtis - "Huh... oh."

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"Wanna race to the house?" Pony suggests as we walk from school to his house Friday afternoon after I picked him up, so Darry or Soda didn't have to.

"All we ever do is race" I laugh

"Yea I guess you-"

I start running

"Hey no fair" He calls after me, trying to catch up.

In the end we reached the house at the same time.

Out of breath from laughing so hard and of course the running, We walk in the house and I flop down on the couch.

"I'll grab us something to drink then we can get started on homework"

"Ok" I say throwing an arm over my face

"I don't know man" I hear a faint voice "What if she says no?"

"She won't" Says another voice

"She'd be stupid to say no" Says a third.

"But she's always talking about how she's not ready to get married."

"Maybe she just thinks she's not, I mean she obviously is. Look at how she is Now, she's a regular little house wife"

"You better hope she never hears you say that Soda, she'd beat your ass"

"So Darry, are you gonna ask her?" The voice who was confirmed to be Sodas said.

I shoot up immediately, feeling nauseous.

The voices stop and I hear footsteps coming towards the living room, Hoping I wasn't as white as I thought I was I take deep breaths.

The guys enter the living room, single file.
"Hey babe" Darry says, walking over to me kissing me gently.

"Oh hey, Ponyboy didn't mention you were here" Says Soda, plopping down beside me on the couch

I smile weakly "Yea I told Darry I'd pick him up today, and decided to hang out for a bit" I look at my watch "Oh I should probably get going" I stand up hurriedly.

"Y/n" Darry says

"Hmm?" I ask absent-mindedly

"You're not wearing a watch"

"Huh? Oh its seems I'm not..." I sit back down slowly

"You feeling ok?" Asks Pony

"Oh uh yea, just great" I bounce my leg up and down, while playing with the hair tie on my wrist, something I always do when I'm either anxious or bored.

"What's wrong hun?" Darry asks

"Oh I'm just thirsty, I think I'll go get a drink" I smile at Darry then look down whispering "Come to the kitchen with me" to Soda.

I stand up walking towards the kitchen.

"Y'know, I'm thirsty too, anyone else want anything?"

"No- I mean yea, but I'll come get it" Ponyboy says, Soda must have motioned for him to come too.

"I'm good, thanks though" Darry says

A second later Soda and Pony are in the kitchen.

"I over heard ya'll talking" I say, in a low whisper with my eyebrows furrowed "Is he seriously thinking about proposing?"

"You over heard us? Did you happen to h-" Soda says slowly, obviously worried.

"Yea I heard you call me a house wife. But I'm not worried about that at the moment, what I'm worried about is if your brother is going to propose to me."

"Well what if he does? What are you going to say?"

"Yes? No? I don't know..." I say "That's why I'm worried. What if I say the wrong thing? What if I say no? What if I say yes and it was a mistake?"

"You think saying yes to my brother would be a mistake?" Pony pipes in

"No no. But you guys know me. You know that just knowing me is dangerous, I have a habit of turning people against me.... What if I do-"

"You won't Y/n" Soda Says "I promise"

"Ya'll get lost in there?" Darry yells from the living room, laugh.

We hurriedly walk back in the living room and I go sit beside Darry.

"You doing anything tonight, Y/n?" Darry asks me

"Umm" I look at Soda who gives me a reassuring nod "Nope not doing anything. Why?"

"Wanna go to a movie then dinner?" He asks smiling

"Sure" I smile slightly

"Awesome we can leave in an hour"

"I Uh have to go home and change" I say

"You look fine" He says

"I don-"

"I swear you look perfect" He says

I sigh "Ok"

I smile slightly and subconsciously start playing with my hands

I notice Pony and Soda left.

"Are you nervous about something?" He asks

"Hmm? Oh no, just waiting" I chuckle "I'm just excited" I put on a fake cheery face

"I know you're lying"

"No I'm not"

"Yes you are"

"No I'm -"

"If you don't tell me what you're lying about, I'll tickle you"

"I'm not ly-"

He gets up and lunges at me, tickling my sides "Tell me"


"Tell me or I'll never stop"


"Come on" He says "Just tell me"

"Ok ok" I say "But stop first"

He stops and I flip him over so I'm on top, I start tickling him.

He grabs my hands causing me to stop

"Seriously, what's wrong?"

I sigh hesitantly "I overheard you talking to Soda and Pony...."

"You heard me say that I wanted to-"


"Is that what's wrong? You don't wanna marry me?"

"No no, I do" I say "It's just.... I never thought of myself as a wife"

He nods

"I never thought of myself as a wife, or a bride, or even one day a mom...."

He pushes me off him and kneels infront of me on one knee

"Y/n, I love you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want you to be my wife. I want to be your husband. I want you to have my kids and I want to grow old with you. So I'll ask you now, and if you say no I'll ask later, Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

I smile "Yes, Yes" I slide off the couch and hug him

"I love you"

"I love you too Dar."

Soda and Pony walk in the room

"Congrats guys" Soda says


"Thanks" We say together.

Instead of going to a movie we, including Soda and Pony, go tell everyone the good news.

"Hey Darry"


"Thanks for being crazy enough to propose to me"

"Thanks for being crazy enough to say yes"

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