Darry Curtis - Report Cards

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"Ok so which historical event came first out of the two that were just talked about?" I ask Ponyboy

"The sinking of the Titanic."

"Correct." I say " Seriously, how are you not passing history? You've gotten all these questions correct"

"I'm just not any good when it come to a test on paper" He says.

"Oh yea that's understandable."

"Ok Pony time to check those grades" Darry says busting through the door. Not even looking in our direction.

"Hey Dar" I say

"Oh we can check your grades while your here, Darlin"

I roll my eyes, Darry isn't just hard on Pony, he's hard on me too. Deep down we both know he just wants us to have a good future but it's frustrating.

"Y/n wanna go first?"

I look at Pony and sigh "I guess"

I hand Darry my report card and he looks it over

"I swear if you say anything about my high C in math I'll-"

"You'll what?" Darry cuts me off smirking.

I punch his shoulder playfully "Shut up"

"Keep up the good work babe" He says kissing me.

I pull back and blush slightly.

"Pony, your next" Darry says, slinging an arm around me.

Pony walks over to us and hands Darry the report card

He looks the card over, his face growing red

"What is this?" Darrys voice booms out "How do you have a D in history? And a B in math? And in English?"

"I'm sorry Darry, I'm just no good in those subject-" Ponyboy starts

"No good, eh? Well maybe if you would use your head you'd have half decent grades" Darry cuts him off.

"Darry, Calm down. We still have enough time to fix them, there's still enough time in the semester to fix them" I pipe in

"If he would use his head we wouldn't have to fix them, Ponyboy you're supposed to be smart."

"I am, just no-"

"You're going to stand here and tell me you're sm-"

"Darry, may I have a word with you?"

"Y/n I'm in the middle-"

"Darry. A word. Now." I say sternly

He looks at me Then a Ponyboy then back at me

"Fine" He mumbles

He walks towards the door and I follow behind him.

"It'll be ok, Pony." I smile softly at him

When we get out side Darry wastes no time before he starts talking

"Y/n you know he's not doing the be-"

I put my hand up in a silent sign for him to stop talking

"Darry, Do you even remember how hard high-school was?" I keep my voice in a low whisper "Do you remember the stress? Even with someone helping you? Darry, he's not getting much help, between you working two jobs and Soda just can't.... I mean that leaves me, but I got my own school work and work to do.... So who's left? No one. I say all those are good grades considering the minimal help."

He stays silent, thinking over what I just said.

"Ok, maybe I am being a bit hard on him.... But a D in history? Y/n that's insan-"

"Need I remind you that you almost failed history? It's a hard subject Dar, We just gotta give his a little extra help"

He sighs "Ok... I suppose your right"

"Suppose? Now when am I ever wrong" I laugh

He rolls his eyes playfully

"Now go on in and apologize"

He sighs again, but heads inside.

I follow him and sit on the couch

"Ponyboy, I owe you an apology" Darry says "It's not fair to you for me to be so hard on you, especially when you're trying your hardest, I'm sorry. And I owe Y/n one too. I'm sorry for putting all of this on you. I mean you're not even related..." His voice trails off

"Aww it's ok Dar" I say going to hug him "I might not be related but I'm your girl and I care about all of you, all of the gang. You're all family to me."

Pony come in and joins the hug

"Now how about we all go and get started on that history homework"

For the majority of the evening we work on Ponys homework and when we're done Pony go to the kitchen to get something to drink

"Thanks for helping me Darling"

"No problem Dar" I say kissing his cheek then leaning into his side.



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