Soda - A proposal pt 3

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As I enter the DX I stop dead in my tracks
I see Soda..... Kissing another girl.

"What.the.hell?" I yell at him.
He moves aside, eyes wide, and I get a glimpse of the girl he was kissing.

It was Sandy. His ex Sandy, who cheated on him and got knocked up with someone else's baby.

I look back and forth between the two.

"Oh my god" I say, feeling fire in my veins.

"Oh hey Y/n congrats on the engagement" She says, waving at me in a way that meant "Oh poor Y/n, not even your boyfriend loves you"

I lunge at her, grabbing her blonde hair, shaking her violently.
She fights back.

I feel someone trying to pull me off her.
I hear Soda yelling for me to stop.
I feel another pair of hands trying to get me off of her.

Eventually I give in and let go.
Both Steve and Soda were holding me back.
Steve is standing infront of me, hands on my shoulders.
Soda behind me hands around my waist.

"Get out Sandy" Steve says


"Out" Soda says

After she left, neither of the guys let go of me.

"I swear I didn't know she was here" Steve says apologetically

"I believe you" I say

He let's go of me, but Soda doesn't budge.

"Let go" I say elbowing him in an attempt to let loose of me.

"No not till you let me explain."

I grab his hands and move them.
Then I turn around, facing him.

"How dare you" I say my eyes filling with tears "How dare you do this to me. We've been engaged less then twenty-four hours and you decide to cheat on me-"

"I wasn't-" He cuts me off

But I continue "Have you been cheating on me the whole time? Or?"

"I wasn't cheating on you, I'd never do that"

"Ironically you say that after I find you kissing your ex" I laugh haughty like

"She ki-"

"No, save it" I say. I calmly take off the ring and set it on the counter. "It's over."

"Please, let me explain!" Soda says as I turn on my heal, heading towards the door.

I say nothing. I reach the door.
"See ya Steve"

He says nothing

"Y/n please!"

I feel tears slip down my cheek

I hear Soda follow after me.
"Please let me explain"

I take off in a run, and I hear him start in a run behind me.

When I reach my house I run in and lock the door behind me, sliding down.

Soda pounds on the door "Let me in, let me explain, I didn't kiss her, she kissed me"

I no longer try to contain my sobs.

"Please, Y/N, let me in" Soda begs, Something about his voice tells me he's crying.

"Get. Lost. Curtis." I yell, pushing myself up from the floor

I walk up stairs and flop on my bed. Crying, I eventually fall asleep.

~ Few hours later ~

A few hours later I wake up and roll over to my other side. Only to be startled by a figure sitting beside me on a chair.

"Oh my god what the hell?" I exclaim sitting up

"Your mom let me in.... I told her everything.... She told me I could explain."

"Unfortunately for you, I don't want to hear it."

"I know, I know, just please, let me explain"

I sigh "O...ok."

"I was at work and she came in. She said it was a mistake leaving me and cheating on me, I told her to leave and she kissed me. Right as you walked in. I swear it was all her. Please you need to believe me.. You're the best thing that ever happened to me and I swear on Darrys grave I'd never cheat on you, please forgive me and please do me the honor of being my wife " He says all this in one breath

I chuckle "Isn't swearing on your own brothers grave a bit.... Extreme?"

"Nah, he'd do the same if he was in love."

"Are you.... You... Soda..." I say


"Soda I love you, God i love you more then anything I've ever loved before. But.... Well... I want to believe you... I want to believe you-"

He cuts me off by a rough kiss on the lips

"Y/n please..." He says After we pull back.

I sigh looking into his amazing eyes.

"Yes...." I say quietly


I grab his face and kiss it. Then pull back

"I said Yes" My hands still on his face

He kisses me then hugs me.

"Oh thank you for giving me a second chance"

"Yea better not screw up this time"

We laugh.

I get out of bed and we walk down the stairs, hand in hand.

"So the weddings back on?" My Dad asks

"Yep" Soda and I say at the same time

"We're going to his house, be back later, love you guys" I say walking out the door

We walk to his house, hand in hand and when we get there we walk in.

"Oh thank god ya'll resolved things" Ponyboy says.

We laugh.

"Yep" Soda says wrapping his arms around me.

We sit for a bit talking with the guys before walking outside to watch the sun set.



"I love you"

"I love me too" I turn to face him and he rolls his eyes, I kiss him.

"I love you too, Sodapop Curtis"


Last part.... Thinking of making a Wedding part though.

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