I begged them, I really need to sleep now, not only because I want to have some rest but also because I don't want to ruin their moods early in the morning. If they get to know that we are going to have a rushed comeback then they will feel low. I also need time to prepare myself and come up with good encouraging words to tell them.

Sana : " Jihyo please.... "

She said holding my hands, making puppy eyes and kneeling down to reach my height.

Soon enough everyone else followed her and started pleading me in cute aegyo voices.

Jihyo : " Uh!! you guys, sure you are my friends and not enemies? "

I said giving up my idea of going back to sleep, and of course who can resist the charms of TWICE.

NaJeongSaMi : " Yes!! "

They exclaimed with happiness, they are grinning exactly like idiots.

I thought while rolling my eyes. Bye, bye, sleep.



Its been a few minutes after my sleep was disturbed. After I had agreed to answer the questions of my members they had ran off my room to wake up the others who are still sleeping. Surprisingly within a few minutes everyone gathered around me. Now we are all sitting in a circle and I am the main point of focus for them.

Wait... it feels like Deja Vu.

Jihyo : " So? "

I said that in a way of asking them what they want to ask me.

Nayeon : " So.. why did PD-nim call you? "

She asked and this time the others didn't bombard me with questions like they used to do. No one else spoke up which was quiet a new sight to me. And they didn't even jump to conclusions on their own this time, too bad Mina won't get to say 'will you guys let her speak' this time.

All their eyes were glued on me, expecting me to speak up and feed their curiosity. I sighed, do I really have to do this? they all will surely be heart broken.

Jihyo : " Um... Pd-nim said that we are going to have another comeback.... "

I said too softly, even quieter than Mina but it seems like they all heard it cause the atmosphere around was too quiet.

Tzuyu : " Isn't that old news? "

Dahyun : " We already know that unnie! "

She added in a bored voice

Chaeyoung : " You guys woke me up just to say this? "

Momo : " Be precise. "

She said when the maknae's had finished their complains, I looked up to face her, she was being serious, it was like she knows something is off or more like she is thinking that PD-nim spoke something about her relationship, with me.

Jihyo : " Our comeback.... * biting the lower lip * it will be preponed. "

I said more quietly this time and looked down not wanting to see their pain-filled and exhausted faces. It really hurts a lot.

I heard few sighs of regret and few soft whines. They really hate it. I looked up after a few minutes to see that Sana unnie was patting the back of Dahyun and Chaeyoung in way of encouraging them by saying 'it won't be that difficult' while the rap duo were making faces. I smiled a bit and then saw Nayeon unnie resting her head on Tzuyu's shoulders and they seemed like they were internally cursing our PD-nim. Momo had her face down, void of emotion. My smile instantly dropped on seeing her state. Mina and Jeongyeon seemed deep in thought, maybe thinking of what the reason for the hurried comeback might be.

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