Picnic Date (Fifi la Fume)

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Fifi la fume x Reader part 2

Art by Tubby Toons


I ran as fast as I could run, my legs burning like fire. My heart raced as I tried to maintain my speed, but I knew it will not last. That is when I saw a large boulder right ahead of me. I jumped behind the large rock to catch my breath, but I didn't have much time to rest. I could feel the heavy thumping behind the rock slowly approaching me.

The thumping grew stronger and stronger, my heart pounding parallel with it. Then the thumping stopped. I dare not look. I knew better not to risk it.

"Where are you, my salami sandwich? Your mustard is here to spread all over you," called out a velvety woman's voice with a French accent.

I determined that the voice came not too far from behind the rock I was hiding behind.

"How is she able to keep up with me," I thought. My heart raced as I questioned if I should make a break for it or sit still.

But my choice was made as I heard her start moving closer to me. Without a second thought, I bolted off away from my hiding spot.

"Oh zere you are my little morsel!" The French woman cheered. The rotund purple skunk took her sweet time before she skipped toward me.

I did a quick look back just to see she was a mere feet from my hiding spot. Seeing her slowly prance herself toward me made me question how such a huge thousand pound skunk could keep up with me. All of her prancing made the ground quake with every heavy step she made.

I ran as fast as my tired legs could handle while the oversized skunk seemed to treat all of this as if it was just a game.

Running, I could feel that that short rest was not enough for my legs to recover as they started to burn after just several seconds of running. I gasped for air, sweet drenched my entire body. I began to slow down as my running became a fast walk, then to a slowed walk. I could feel her quakes get stronger and stronger as I got slower and slower.

Finally I was too exhausted to keep going, collapsing to my knees. Gasping for air, I knew that my time was up as the surprisedly limber obese skunk hopped up to me.

"Finally my little sandwich, come to moi!" She declared as I was swept up by her soft ham leg size arms. She turned me around and started to kiss all over my face in rapid succession.

It took me a minute to gather my breath before I could speak.

"How do you keep up with me, especially with a body like that?" I asked as her kisses slowed down.

"You can't escape ze power of l'amour, my dear piece of steak!" She said as she hugged me into her large warm fluffy pillowy bosom.

Since I have not fully recovered from all of that running, it quickly became difficult for me to breathe. She was a cuddler, even if it hurt me.

"Can't... breathe..." I choked out.

Quickly she released me, red on her cheeks and a concerned face.

"Oh I'm sorry my little lamb, but zat chase was so much fun for moi I forgotten how tired you are. Let's return to ze picnic and have lunch, no," she gleefully said.

She pulled me away from her bosom and cradled me into her arms, slowly lumbering herself back to our picnic spot.


Our picnic was under an old willow tree, next to a large lake. It was a great day to have one as large puffy clouds rolled across the sky. They often remind you of fifi with both their size and softness.

Fifi walked to the red and white checkered blanket and placed me down at the edge of it. She then tipped-toed to the otherside with such lightness that you would think she was floating. Although when she sat down you could feel her weight as everything shook upon impact, to me being flung a foot into the air to uprooting trees nearby before going back to where they once were.

Closer to the tree was a picnic basket that was so large that I could fit inside with plenty of room to spare. Fifi pulled the basket to her and began to take out an assortment of different kinds of food. From a multitude of pies, to fried chicken, fried potatoes, fried fish, to deep fried pie, and every other combination you could think of with the word 'fried'. There was a bowl of mac and cheese the size of a large salad bowl and equally sized potato salad. Cakes and chips lay randomly across the blanket filling every available space that exists. And finally turning the basket upside and placing it on one section of the blanket, she lifted the basket to reveal a tall stacked sandwich that kept getting taller and taller the higher she lifted the basket. The sandwich finally stopped getting taller when she lifted the basket above her head, making the sandwich nearly seven feet tall!

I could see the hunger in her eyes, like how a prospector sees his first piece of gold. Her stomach roared like a lion telling me to sit back in fear at things to come. And just on cue Fifi jumped into "our" lunch.

She sounded like a lawnmower as she stuffed whole pieces of food into her mouth. I watched as large lumps of food, bigger than her throat, fall down her throat and into her round stomach. With each swallow her stomach got a little bit bigger, growing inch by inch. Only a toon could give me such a show as she stuffed two whole pies into her mouth.

It wasn't long before the food was all in Fifi's enlarged stomach, that is all except the sandwich. Despite eating nearly a ton of food, her mouth watered at the sight of the tower of sandwich. Stretching her arms as far apart as she could, she grabbed the tall sandwich squishing it down like an accordion until it was only several inches tall. She then jammed it into her mouth until it was all gone. Suddenly both her cheeks exploded outward becoming four times the size of her head. With a herculean effort she swallowed the stomach size lump down her throat to her stomach. Her stomach surged forward, doubling in size. Fifi sighed in satisfaction rubbing her extended stomach.

"Zat was tres bon," she huffed proudly, licking her lips.

"Yes, good," I said looking at the large belly as the thought of her getting fatter made me sweat.

Her stomach was now so large that it surpassed her feet and nearly covered half of the blanket. Her breasts had grown bigger, nearly by fifty percent, thanks to her being a toon. Her butt has expanded from large exercise balls to boulders. And you know that she is also taller by a foot or two, all to her recent meal.

"My love, come to moi," she cooed beckoning me to her.

I crawled to her stomach and climbed over it like it was a large rock, a large squishy fluffy rock. Fifi moaned in pleasure as I positioned myself on her stomach, laying across her belly like it was a bed. I could hear her breathing as the warmth of her white fur lulled me to sleep.

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