Two Games Girls pt.2 (Rarity and Sunset)

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Rarity and Sunset x Reader

Art by Neongoth94



A loud burp bellowed, indicating that more space had been made. This is a sign that you should take out more food for your girlfr-, you mean friends. You lifted the large silver tray filled with deep fried doritos breaded chicken and cheetos egg salad on the side.

Taking your haul of food you walked out of the kitchen and to the dining room where two of your best friends were eating, and eating was what they did best, well, besides gaming.

The two behemoth girls were finishing the previous portion of the meal, as a plate stacked high with bones was the only indication of the feast that they had devoured. All of your hard work had fallen into the two bottomless pits that they called their stomachs.

The biggest of the two, although not by much, was Rarity who was sitting on a custom made scooter that was built to handle her overflowing bulk. Her elephantine stomach wedged tightly into her 6 wheel mobile throne. Her boulders that she called a butt had already destroyed anything that was considered a chair as she sat on something more akin to a platform. She was eating more elegantly with a fork and knife with the occasional sip of her Mountain Dew from her wine glass.

The other massive girl was Sunset and she ate more like a pig. Despite being smaller than Rarity she was no less massive. If Rarity destroyed chairs Sunset tortured them. Anything that wasn't designed to hold a baby elephant strained under her impressive butt. The only thing that she matched in size with Rarity was her heavy belly, and right now she really stretches that thing to its limits. With her dorito's encrusted fingers she was more hands on. Stuffing whole chicken wings into her waiting maw before spitting out the clean bones. She too had a wine glass filled with the yellow greenish soda but she drank more like she was in the middle of a desert.

It sometimes amazes you to think these two third ton girls used to be such bean poles when you first met them on that forum all those years ago. Now you three were celebrating the new release of a long awaited expansion for your favorite mmorpg game. And with the recent agreement to have a month long LAN party things couldn't be more perfect.

"Hey, nerd, food here, now!" Commanded Sunset, reaching out her sticky fingers at the tray of food I just bought in.

"Now now Sunset. Don't be so aggressive, he is just admiring our beauty," Rarity smiled, batting her eyelashes at you.

Blushing, you placed down the tray onto the table and immediately Sunset grabbed a handful of fried chicken. You walked to the other side of the table to take your seat across the two whales.

"Urp, excuse me. This is a fine meal you made Y/N dear! You make a lovely cook," complimented Rarity, dabbing a moist towelette around her lips, removing some stray crumb from her plump lips.

"Yea, good food," snorted Sunset, spitting out a couple of clean bones into the large pile in front of her.

"Thanks. It wasn't that hard to find recipes," you replied feeling a little bashful.

"Maybe we should ask you to cook for this upcoming Thanksgiving. What a feast it will be!" Snickered Sunset before chugging a whole glass of soda.

"Why, that's a great idea! I could just imagine the roast turkey, mash potatoes, the casseroles, and the pies, mmhmm!" Rarity salivated, despite having a mountain of food stuffed in her heavy belly.

"Um, how about that new expansion?" You asked, quickly changing the subject, "what are you most excited about?"

"Oh, all of those wonderful new skins and colors. So much new inspiration from the Orient!" Rarity said excitedly, taking a sip from her bubbly citrus flavored sugar water.

"Rads, new boss mechanics," declared Sunset, barely focusing on anything besides food.

"Well I'm excited to explore new lands," you said, looking over your two obese friends. In reality you were more excited for these two girls living in your house for the next month.

Ever since you first meetup with these two at that comic con a year ago you became infatuated with these two lumbering beautiful manatees. It was hard enough for you to have come to a physical meetup given how introverted you are. It didn't help that the fact they were also girls made it even harder. You remember fumbling with your words all day. With Rarity radiant beauty and her high class demeanor to Sunset domineering personality and her no care attitude, it took every ounce of courage just to not run away.

After that It took a while for us to hangout on a regular basis. Now they seemed to want to hangout more and more as their mobile lessened and lessened.

"Oof, I think... my stomach... had a little... too much," groaned Sunset as she rubbed her hardened stomach, her chubby fingers barely reaching the furthest region of her dome of her belly.

"That is why you should pace yourself. Take your time and enjoy the high processed foods," Rarity educated Sunset, finishing her tenth cup of soda. With a muffled belch Rarity grabbed the cheetos potato salad and began shoveling its contents down her mouth, elegantly of course.

You then turned to the clock on the wall to see it was half past 10.

"It's also time for the midnight release girls," you stated, finishing off your meal.

"Urp, just ten... more minutes," Sunset huffed as she laid back, her large wooden chair groaning and creaking from supporting more of the heavyset orange woman.

"Yes, I need a bit more time. I'm nearly reaching my fill," Rarity moaned as she was half way done with her large salad bowl of egg salad.

After gaining enough energy to move, you helped Sunset to her feet while Rarity slowly drove her cart to the gaming setup in the living room. As you begin to clean up the table you turn to the two lumbering hippopotamus that call themselves girls and smiled.

Their movements were so laborious and exhausting that just walking was heavy exercise to them. Rarity had given up walking not too long ago and Sunset wasn't too far behind. In the living room both girls need a whole couch to sit comfortably just to play games now. And by the end of this month you knew for a fact they they won't be leaving by their own power anymore.

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