Challenge (Applejack and Rainbow Dash)

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Applejack and Rainbow Dash x Reader

Art by Neongoth94


Summer was fast approaching as the final week of school comes to an end. Closing my locker, I swung my backpack over my shoulder when I heard a commotion coming from the back of the school. Recognizing the voice I sighed and walked to the courtyard.

As I walk around the building I could see two massive girls, belly to belly, arguing with each other.

"No, I'm bigger!" Yelled the the rainbow haired girl.

"No, I'm bigger!" Yelled the girl with the cowboy hat.

The two was glaring angrily at each other that didn't knotiest me until I was halfway to them. When the two girls noticed me approaching they quickly shifted they aggression to me.

"Y/N, tell this cow that I'm the biggest!" Said the rainbow haired girl as she began to lumber slowly toward me, her enormous belly making it hard for her to move properly.

"You wish sugarcube, Y/N knows I'm the biggest!" The girl in the cowboy hat said with a proud huff as she slowly turned toward me.

I looked at both of the walking land whales. Both looked equally enormous, although there was some difference between the two.

The cowboy hat girl, named Applejack, had the biggest stomach I believe in the world. It dominates almost half of her body as it was merely an inch away from scraping the ground. Her breasts was twice as big as her head, and her head was bigger than others because of her huge cheeks and large double chin. Her denim shorts could barely hold such mass as flesh oozed out of the tares as her butt threaten to burst them off her body if she grew any more (and she will). It is a surprise that she could still walk, let alone stand, as each leg weighed probably the same weight as an average person.

Looking at the rainbow haired girl, named Rainbow Dash, she was nearly the same size as Applejack but with a few clear differences. Her stomach was not as big as Applejack as it was just two inches away from the ground. What she had over Applejack was her chair breaking butt as it stretched her elastic black pants to the point of almost see-through. Her chest was the same pillow size breasts as Applejack, with the same round and puffy face as Applejack too. Even what she called walking with those tree trunk legs was the same as Applejack.

As I examined the two I couldn't tell which was bigger. There was only one way to find out.

"Applejack, how much do you weigh?"

"985 as of today," Making a proud face puffing up her chest with pride.

"Hey! I weigh that much too!" Rainbow Dash annoyingly said.

"Then your the same size." I said nonchalantly.

"That is unacceptable!" Rainbow cried.

"Yea, I should be the biggest." Applejack declared.

"How about a eat off? Eat till your sick, then weigh you two see who gain the most." I said.

"That's a great idea sugarcube! Rainbow Dash, I'm going to eat you under the table!" Applejack said as she slowly turned to face Rainbow.

"Oh yea, well I'm going to eat you over the table." Rainbow counterd.

"That doesn't make any sense." Applejack said.

"So what, all that matters is that I'm going to win."

I watched the two bicker thinking this was my best idea since convincing the two to gain weight. It also helped that they both liked me and both were heavily competitive with each other. I smiled as I thought that after this contest I'll need to get a forklift just to get the two to move.

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