The Owl of Hell and her Sunshine (Octavia, helluva boss)

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Octavia x Reader

Art by Mizz-Britt

You whistled a joyous tune as you bounced down the sidewalk. The warm sun was shining and the bluebirds were singing their beautiful happy-go-lucky songs. You are happy with a wide grin on your face.

Just then a column of crimson light surrounded you as a bloody pentagram appeared under your feet. With the whaling of tortured souls you were sucked down to dark unknown places.


You fell from the roof and landed on what you think was a bed. Despite being disoriented by a demon's portal you tried to look around.

The large room was dark, with the only sliver of light coming from the closed curtains. The room looked regal, with fancy furniture and shadowy monstrous creatures, frozen in time. But what caught your attention was the void that stood before you. The black spherical form was massive, towering way above you and extended almost to the edges of the supposed bed you were on. Then your heart was filled with fear as two glowing crimson eyes opened, peering down onto you.

"Where am I?" you stuttered as you tried to back away from the black mass.

"Hell. I summoned you here," said a womanly voice, contradicting the monstrous form that stood before you.


"To be my boyfriend."

All your fears suddenly evaporated and were replaced with confusion. With the snap of the large mass's fingers the lights turned on. The void before you had transformed into an extremely large and fat anthropomorphic owl girl.

Your eyes widened as you looked over the heavyset owl. Her tarnished silver feathers glisten under the chandelier's light. Her gigantic belly dominated her form, meer inches from the ground. Her pillow size breasts were like huge dollops of feathers resting on her stomach. Her wrecking ball size hips flared out with thick stocky legs holding up the multi ton bird.

"I am princess Octa-," the fat owl woman started before but was quickly interrupted by you hugging her belly.

"A giant owl! And so big and fluffy!" You exclaimed as you hugged her huge dome of a stomach.

"Oh, um," the big owl stuttered, confused and embarrassed from both the physical contact and the affection she was reserving. "My name is princess Octavia!" She stated, regarding some of her authority, "and I expect complete obedience from you."

You don't say anything as you continue to stroke her big belly.

"Second, I expect you to worship me. All of your day will revolve around me, pleasing me in every way possible. Your life is mine now!"

"Okay, but why me?"

Octavia was a littletaken back by that question. She wasmore expectingsome resistance or even a fight. she sighed and looked down at the human. She couldn't believe she was already opening up to a stranger.

"Because everyone in Hell is either trying to use me or abuse me. Everyone here wants to get ahead by any means possible. But a human from above that is innocent has none of those desires, plus... I'm jealous."


"My friend's coworker is madly in love with her husband and I want that!" She whined, "besides, I also want someone who isn't doom and gloom, I'm already enough for all of Hell. I just want someone to..." she trailed off, feeling unsure of herself.

"To be your sun?" You said looking over the curves of her breasts and into her Crimson eyes.

Octavia smiled, an expression she rarely had. "Yes, I want you to be my sun."


The titanic owl lumbered down the black streets of the shopping district. It's been a long time since she has been here. She is usually too depressed or too frustrated to go out and do anything, but now she has a pocketful of sunshine, or more accurately, a boyfriend.

"Wow I never see clothes like this," Y/N said as he looked through the glass window looking at leather straps and whips.

"I guess," Octavia said uninterested. It was more for his sake than her not carrying, he really was too innocent for this hellscape.

"Ooo, this will look pretty on you," called out Y/N, standing in front of another shop. Octavia turned and her cheeks blushed. At the center of the large window was a black wedding dress. It was beautiful with exposed shoulders and bust line. The long flowing dress reaches all the way to the floor with several red bows accents all the way. Despite being severely dozen sizes too small for her the thought of a marriage filled her with an unfamiliar joy.

"Oh my, what is an innocent soul like you doing all the way down here?" Asked a tall lanky demoness in extremely scanty clothes.

Octavia turned to suddenly see three demon hookers surrounding Y/N, all in the most revealing clothes possible, (and considering this is hell they might as well be wearing stickers).

"Yea yea, do you want a good time boy," cackled a shortstack as she began to hump Y/N's leg.

"Slow down, wait till he pays us first," wheezed an older demon as she took a huge swig of her cigarette.

Y/N looked uncertainly at the encroaching demons as they cornered you by a wall. "Um, I'm sorry but I already have a girlfriend."

The three demons looked at each other blankly before bursting into a wicked laughter.

"Oh we won't tell if you don't," the lanky demon said, licking her lips.

The shortstack demon began to sniff around Y/N, especially around his crotch. "I think this one is a virgin!"

The older demon wickedly crooked smile. "Jackpot."

But just before they could jump Y/N a large looming shadow descended upon the hookers. An icy chill went up the demons' spines that could match the frozen level of hell. They slowly turned around to see a massive and angry owl glaring down at them.

"Y/N, can you close your eyes until I say so," Octavia said coldly. Immediately you covered your eyes and waited patiently.

Quickly Octavia grabbed the shortstack demon hooker and raised them up to her head. The girls screamed as the giant fat owl shoved the demon into her mouth. The muffled screams of the demon pumped into her large stomach before Octavia looked at the other two hungry. Given how the other two were slimmer then the shortstack demon Octavia was able to eat both of them at the same time, slurping them down like spaghetti. With a burp she looked down at Y/N, "Okay, you can open your eyes."

Y/N opened his eyes and looked around confusedly. "Where did the mean girls go?"

"They ran away. Now let's go home, I'm feeling a bit of indigestion and I want belly rubs," cooed Octavia before releasing another burp.

"Again? This is the third time this week. Have you thought of going to the doctor?" Y/N asked, taking hold of Octavia's hand.

"It's fine, just eat something rotten," she smiled.

Fat Animated Women X Male ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz