The Slurm (Turanga Leela)

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Leela x Reader 

Art by Umiko Sasaki

Supporting a girlfriend can be challenging at times, but it is a commitment that I gladly embrace because of my profound love for Leela. Our journey together has been filled with both highs and lows, and sometimes the challenges we face become blessings in disguise.

Everything started after Leela went on a tour of the Slurm Factory, an experience she hesitated to discuss. Strangely enough, despite her obvious disdain for the soda, Leela began consuming copious amounts of it every day. Consequently, her body underwent a remarkable transformation as her weight rapidly increased.

In her desperate attempt to fight against this sudden weight gain, Leela turned to intense exercise regimens, such as weightlifting and combat training. However, her efforts seemed futile, as the fat continued to accumulate at an alarming rate.

Within a week, Leela had grown so substantially that simply maneuvering through doors became a cumbersome task, with her expanding buttocks frequently getting stuck. Even her piloting skills began to suffer, as her enlarged belly obstructed her ability to effectively control the spaceship.

As week two unfolded, I marveled at Leela's determination and resilience, as she persisted in her daily routine despite her considerable size. Her thick and massive legs caused thundering footsteps as she waddled along, still convinced of her usefulness. Her protruding abdomen extended several feet, sagging down past her knees. Her breasts, barely contained by her now stained top, jiggled like water balloons with each arduous step she took. If we thought doorways were problematic before, we now had to worry about her effortlessly demolishing them as if they were fragile plywood.

Another notable change in Leela was her attitude. While she had always been a strong-willed, outspoken woman, she now displayed a newfound sense of entitlement and pompousness akin to that of a spoiled princess.

By the third week, Leela finally surrendered to her circumstances and gave up on walking altogether. Mind you, this decision was influenced more by the limitations imposed by her own body than by her personal choice. She transformed into a gelatinous blob of a woman, demanding to be fed and treated like royalty. Every aspect of her had become oversized, from her round and plump head to her belly reminiscent of a massive mattress. Her breasts had grown to the size of pillows, and her buttocks were akin to the dimensions of a car.

And finally by week 4 her weight gain had come to a crawl as the massive mutant woman towered in every way. She is a mass that dwarfs all masses, even her friend Amy couldn't compare to this behemoth of a woman. It was hard to believe that she was a semi-normal woman, a star pilot of Planet Express. 

Nothing could contain her as her current home was the abandoned stadium that was used for the New New York Mets, Leela's old team she played that one time. 

Despite these drastic changes, my love for Leela remained unwavering, and I like to believe that she reciprocated those feelings, or at the very least, she found solace in the constant supply of food I provided her. Whatever occurred at that factory remains a mystery, but I am truly grateful for the happiness it has brought into our lives.

Although one thing about Leela that gave me pause was her odd sweet smelling sweat. It seemed slightly neon green and (don't judge me) tasted like an off brand Slurm. Maybe I can do something with it, but that's for another time.

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