Fat Hotel (Charlie and Vaggie)

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Charlie x Reader 

Art by Mizz-Britt 

Hell sucks!

I was just a lonely crook that had some bad luck with the law. Now I hide in the shadows trying to not get killed again by theis maniacs that I call my neighbors. I wanted out and I was willing to do anything. Funny enough all I needed to do was check into this new hotel where they train you to go to heaven. And to my lucky break, they were desperate.

~one year later~

I walked into the red entrance with heavy bags of groceries, slamming the large door behind me with my foot. I was about to walk forward when I was blocked by something wide. 

Standing in front of me was Vaggie and she was pissed

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Standing in front of me was Vaggie and she was pissed. The once thin now fat demon stood with her plump fists planted on her heavy wide buns. Her chunky gut now surrounded her waist pressing against her soccer size tits and her thick stocky pillars she called her legs. She filled nearly the width of the hallway, blocking any exit that I could take. Her one good eye shooting daggers in my direction, trying to kill me.

"What?" I said annoyingly.

"What's in the bags?" She demanded, trying to look intimidating but failing because of her fat cheeks. 

"Food," I snarled.

"And where is it going?"

I smirked. "Your stomach."

She blushed but maintained her scowl. That's when another lumbering demon came from behind Vaggie.

"Vaggie, what is all of the commotion?" Asked the large pale demoness in an ill fitting red blazer. 

Standing before us was Charlie, the owner of the hotel, daughter of the ruler of hell, and one fat sow

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Standing before us was Charlie, the owner of the hotel, daughter of the ruler of hell, and one fat sow. Nearly as big as Vaggie, the respectable 450 pounds woman was one hell of a looker. Her beach ball gut pouring out of her too small clothes, a huge badonkadonk clung tightly to her black pants, and a pair of bowling balls tits topped it all off. 

"This… this harlequin is trying to sneak in with more of his daming food!" Vaggie shreked, pointing to me.

Charlie began to sweat. "Vaggie, I asked him to pick up the food. He had done nothing wrong."

"Charlie…" Vaggie whined.

"He is just helping, trying to be the best version of himself," Charlie smiled.

"But look at us, we're as big as cows!" Vaggie complained, grabbing her flabby belly and shaking it.

Charlie looked down at the gray mass sweating more beforelooking back up. "I know, but everyone needs that outlet to funnel their sins out, and if that helps him reach that better place then I'm happy!" Exclaimed Charlie, grabbing hold of Vaggie's plump hands and looking deep into her eye.

Vaggie groaned, not liking how Charlie always pulled on her heart like that. Charlie was too gullible for her own good, and she was too untrustworthy for hers. With a defeated grunt she lowered her head.

"Fine, but don't let him go to far on you," Vaggie lamented, giving a small smile to Charlie. 

"Wonderful! And I do wish you too could get along. We are all in this together," Charlie cheered before turning around and waddled away. 

I was about to follow when Vaggie raised her plump arm to the wall, stopping me. 

"We aren't done here. Tonight we talk, got it!" Vaggie growled before also waddling away.

My only remark was a smile. 

~that night~

Down the dark red halls, past all of the crimson doors, by the large glass windows that looked over the ruby color city the sound of someone grunting and moaning echoed out the final room. The room was dark, with the only light from one red bulb from a shaded lamp. The air was hot and humid, filled with the smell of sweat and something sweet. In the center of this room was a large bed, and on this bed was a large naked grey mass that jiggled like jello with long pink hair.

Vaggie huffed and puffed, her great belly slightly red from her recent binge. She could barely reach the dome of her large mass to ease her pleasure suffering. 

"I got that dear," I reassured her as I messaged her fat rolls.

"Don't…call… me… dear," Vaggie huffed, her eyes closing in ecstasy.

"Yes my queen," I corrected myself. 

"Your damn right! "Huff" And to… continue the conversation…from this… morning…" she gulped, feeling parched, "you should… leave Charlie alone. I…" she passed, groaning as I hit a pleasurable spot, "should be your… focus."

"That's no fun. You're both my favorite hogs, don't make me choose," I teased.

"I don't want… you to hurt her. I'll become…your eternal pig if you…leave her be." She stated, her heart beating faster. 

"I can't make any promises, but I will stop feeding her curse food." I promised, writing a cross over her swollen stomach. 

"If you do…then I'll get off your…back." She wheezed.

"Deal, now, ready for round two?" I cooed, kissing her on the cheeks. 

"Always," she responded, hearts in her eye.

Picking up a heavy bag from under the bed I took out a large dark chocolate bar and slowly pushed it into her waiting mouth. 

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