A Whole New Life (Jasmine)

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Modern Jasmine x Reader

Art by M-a-v-e-r-i-c-k


Genies are weird. I'll say they are more like lawyers then the tricksters that they say they are, although to some that's interchangeable. Although the one I found says alot about what they know. Who would have thought there would be a genie inside an old hookah that I found at a junk sale. It was simple but nice enough to make a good decoration in the home.

Walking back from a terrible day of work of boss and coworkers harassment, I began to recall the wishes I made. The first wish was an obvious one, a billion dollars. I should have known that genies had rules and conditions to their wishes. The wish was granted but I had to wait five years before I got my first deposit of twenty five million dollars of forty.

After that surprise I reconsidered my second wish. I wrote down a long and winded wish to cover all my bases. Not to bore you with the details but basically it said that I would live a hundred years longer than I would normally live and maintain most of my youth, I want to age gracefully.

My third wish was to have a companion, a friend, a wife. This time I was more vague on purpose. Mostly because I may not actually know what was compatible with me. I more or less wish for the Genie to look inside me for the perfect match. To my discouragement he told me it would take half a year to grant the wish.

Reality came crashing back to me as my wandering thoughts made me miss my bus. I groaned in frustration as I had to wait another twenty minutes for the next one.


As I slowly walked up the flight of stairs because the darn elevator broke down, I began to wonder if that moment with the Genie was real. It was so long ago since I made those wishes that I was beginning to believe that it was all a dream. With a defeated sigh I unlocked my apartment.

But to my shock, as I turned the key I realized that it was already unlocked. My heart began to sink as the thought of my home being robbed grew. Another check on this day of horrible things that happened to me.

Slowly I opened the door as I peeked inside. The hallway looked untouched, but as I stood quietly, looking around the hallway I could hear some activity from my kitchen.

Picking up a bamboo training katana from my umbrella stand I slowly tiptoed into my house. As I approached the kitchen entrance I could identify that sound as someone cleaning dishes at the sink. This confused me as why would a robber-to-be wash my dishes?

With one sudden moment I jumped into the kitchen raising my training sword above my head ready to strike. The would-be-robber by the sink turned around screaming alongside my battle cry. But upon looking into each other's eyes we froze.

The "thief" was a large Indian woman dressed in a large white dress with blue polka dots. The dark tan woman looked no taller than five foot seven and nearly just as wide, weighing at least four to five hundred. Her dark eyes and plump lips radiate a beauty that was indescribable from her round face. She had a large belly dominated her figure with a pair of impressive size breasts that would make any man envious to lay their head on them. Her long black hair flowed down her wide back to her boulder size butt. Her plump arms were smooth and her hands were delicate as if she never worked in her life.

We looked into each other's eyes as both of us were unsure of what to do. Looking into her strong but gentle hazelnut eyes I felt like I was swimming in nutella sinking into her gorgeous face. There was something strongly familiar about her but I was too entranced by her beauty to think.

"Who are you?" she asked with a thick Indian accent, recusing me from a downward spiral into her beauty.

"Um... I'm Y/N," I said, slowly putting down my weapon.

"Oh your Y/N! I have been waiting for you all day! I'm Jasmine!" She said joyfully, walking to me, giving me a big but soft hug. She was surprisingly strong as I sank into her pillowy body.

I then suddenly recognized who she was. She was princess Jasmine from that Aladdin movie I watched as a kid. I had a huge crush on her until I got into larger girls.

I then remembered the Genie and my wishes. Everything horrible that has happened to me today melted away as I realized that my third wish came true, but there was some question swirling around in my head.

"Where did you come from?" I asked.

She released her hug and looked into my eyes.

"Oh, I guess that needs an explanation. I was at home feeling lonely and depressed when a strange man came knocking on my door. He told me he was a matchmaker and I came up in the database and had a match for me. I don't recall signing up for anything but I went along. He showed me a file all about you and I instantly fell in love, it was like love at first sight but with words. He then gave me the keys to your house and I rushed here to meet you. But when I arrived you were not here, so I decided to cook you a surprise dinner for you."

I looked at the table at the end of the kitchen to see it full of exotic cuisine. It was filled with curry and rice, dal makhani, stuffed paratha, and bread with all sorts of sauces. All smelled good and wonderful.

I looked back at her surprisedly. It was too good to be true, was she a real person before all my wishing and the Genie just found someone for me or was she created by the Genie and gave her these memories? I don't know but I don't care as she led me to the dining room table for our first "date".

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