Bound pt.2 (Kitty Katswell)

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Kitty Katswell x Reader


The window slowly creaked open as the cold night air rushed in the dark kitchen. A lanky shadow slipped between the newly opened window and landed softly on the tile floor with a somersault. Now standing in the middle of the room it was clear to see that this intruder was a thin woman. A pair of cat ears popped up from the dark figure's head as two green glowing cat eyes opened up.

"This got to be the place," whispered the thin cat woman as she looked around the kitchen. 

The kitchen looked like any old kitchen, except for one main difference, the overload of pots and pans. There was enough stuff to feed a whole restaurant!

"I'll save you mom if my name isn't Kitty Katswell!" She declared before covering her mouth from her sudden raised voice. 

She slunked through the kitchen to the nearby room, then she slithered to the bathroom, until finally pirouetted into the hallway. To her frustration she could find no evidence of her mother. 

"Where are you mom?" She huffed, putting her fists on her small hips. That is when she noticed a large curtain separating the hall from the next room. She tipped-toed to the heavy cloth and slowly opened it up. She nearly gasped in shock at the large mass on a flattened bed.

Before her was a gelatinous tan fur mountain of a woman, or at least that's what Kitty thought was a woman. The mass was more butt and belly than woman as both took up the majority of her mass. Her bulbous breasts rested high on her body, pushed up by her round enormous triple folded belly. Her hippopotamus size butt acted more as a chair than a body part as it lifted her up in an almost sitting position. It was only the large women's hair and cat ears that Kitty could tell it was her missing mother.

"Oh god, what have they done to you?" She cried as she slowly approached the sleeping blob. As Kitty looked over the blob that she called her mother a dark figure quietly approached the thin spy. By the time Kitty noticed the shadowy figure it was too late. With a heavy bonk to the head Kitty fell lip onto her pillowy mother in a sea of stars. 


Kitty slowly woke as a splitting headache that rocked through her skull. A bright light blind her as her sore eyes crept open.

"What happened? Where am I," Kitty thought as her memories slowly came crawling back to her. Her eyes then shot open as she frantically looked around in fear.

She seemed to be lying on a large mattress by an open window that looked out into the vast forest. To her horror she was both naked and chained to the bed. She turned to her right to see another horrific sight.

Next to her was her mother and she appeared to be awake, or she thinks so as Kitty watched as a long tub filled with a yellow liquid flowed down into her mouth. The sound of intense gulping resonated from the massive cat that her whole body was shaking like a gelatinous earthquake. In her shocked state she failed again to see a figure approaching her.

"Ah, miss Kitty Katswell, what a pleasure for you to drop by for breakfast," Y/N said, giving the tighten up cat a light bow.

Kitty turned to her captor and scolded, hissing at him. "Released me you fowl fiend," thrashed Kitty, failing to break free from her leather bindings. 

"Your mom told so much about you. It's such a pleasure to finally meet you," Y/N said as he runs his hand on Kitty's hard stomach. Kitty recoiled, rage in her eyes.

"Now miss Kitty, don't be like that. You'll come to love my touch just like your mom." Y/N then went behind Kitty's bed and took out a long clear tub. 

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