The Whale and Me (Meg Griffin)

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Meg x Reader

Art by Tubby Toons


I stood nervously by the front door as my girlfriend's father started me down suspiciously. The fat man named Peter Griffin was contemplating on the answer I just gave him. After a couple minutes of awkward silence Peter finally spoke up.

"Are you sure your not gay?" He said not believing me.

"I'm sure, sir." I said nervously.

"Hmm, are you sure?" He strained as he rubbed his chin slowly.

"Yes, I'm not gay." I said flatly.

"Then... you're an alien!" He declared proudly, happy in his statement of me.

"No sir, I'm not an alien." I said disappointed.

He then looked at me suspiciously.

"Are you sure?" He said again.

I sighed in annoyance. But before I could respond we felt something heavy move from upstairs.

"Looks like the whale is coming." He said with no emotion. "Heh, this reminds me of that one time those doomsday preppers thought the world was going to end."

~Cut Scene~

We see three guys sitting in an underground bunker holding rifles cowering as the room shook violently. After a minute the room suddenly stopped shaking and the bunker door opened up. Stepping through was a large woman looking peeved at the three men.

"This is where you boys are hiding?! Get out of there and finish your chores or no supper!" She yelled.

"Yes mama," all three said in unison.

~End of Cut Scene~

The house shook with every step as something enormous lumbered forward to the stairway. Soon after the sound of cracking wood came from the stairs as the enormous person came walking down. The steps creaked loudly and the railing cracked out of place as the person finally reached the bottom.

Standing before us was Meg Griffin who was as big as a walrus and weighed nearly her entire family put together (excluding her mother) despite her being shorter than everyone here. But nothing else about this woman was small.

She had her iconic clothes but supersize as they could be used as a tent by a regular person. Her belly almost reached her knees and stucked out a good couple feet. It looked like someone attached a large bean bag chair to her body. Her breasts, despite being small relative to her enormous body but still as large as my head, were more like two wobbling water balloons. But her largest and most impressive feature was her couch crushing butt. Her butt dominated as it stuck out just far and wide that not only you could see it from her front but also it was the size of an entire three person couch. All couches feared her buttocks as none survived when she sat.

Meg looked at both of us frowning at her father.

"Are you antagonizing my boyfriend dad." She said angrily putting her fists on her hips.

"I don't think he's real," he answered in disbelief, "he's a figment of your imagination."

Both you and Meg looked dumbfounded at Peter. It felt like you lost several brain cells just by near his stupidity.

"What?!" Meg cried.

"No one in their right mind, let alone a boy, would date a whale." He said flatly.

I remained dumbfounded as Meg began to get angry.

"I'm not a whale! And what about you, your fat!" Meg said frustratedly.

"Men don't get fat, only fat women are fat, and you are king of the fat, fat." He said childishly.

I began to coware as I could see that Meg was about to blow a casket before she suddenly calmed down.

"You know what, I don't care. It's my life and I'll do as I please." She said proudly.

Quickly Meg grabbed my arm and pulled me through the front door (but not before she got stuck in between the doorway and breaking off it's walls with a loud crash). But before we went too far she turned back to her father.

"This is why mom is not seen around the house much anymore." She said in a huff before pulling me away for our date.

"Whales these days, never grateful for their parents." Peter said standing in front of the destroyed doorway, oblivious as to what just happened.


I was being almost dragged by the near half-ton girl. For such a large girl, she can move fast when she wanted to. Normally this wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for her reason for going so quickly.

"Meg..." I asked quietly.

She remained silent either because she was too angry or she was ignoring me.

"Meg." I said a little bit louder.

Nothing still.

"Meg!" I yelled.

She suddenly stopped and turned to me.

"What?!" She yelled looking angrily at me.

I was taken aback by her sudden outburst.

She quickly lost her anger, feeling guilty.

"Sorry Y/N, it's just I hate my family." She said dishearten.

"It's alright. If you want to talk it out, I'm always here for you." I said pulling her into a hug. I always enjoy our hugs. She always felt like I was hugging a short but huge teddy bear.

"I'm fine, thank you. It's just my father is an idiot, my mom is a hypocrite, my brother is also an idiot, and Brian is an entitled jerk." She said frustratedly.

"If you hate them so much, then why do you still live with them?"

"My grandfather said that on the day I become 18 I'll walk out that door and leave them forever and bet that if I stayed with them till I was 25 years old he'll give me 50 million dollars."

My jaw dropped.

"Y-you did get that in writing right?" I asked still stunned.

"Of course, I'm not as stupid as my dad." She said confidently.

"So you only have a couple of more years before you get the money."

"Yea, then I'll get the last laugh!" She said almost wickedly.

"Why didn't you tell me about this sooner? It would have eased my money concerns."

"I wanted to make sure you were the right one. It's the one I admire about my mom and dad."

"Well, maybe I should splurge a bit on you. How about I get you double your order today." I said kissing her forehead.

"I'll love that."

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