Overbearing (Minerva Mink)

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Minerva Mink x Reader

Art by Tubby Toons


The sun was shining as the pillowy clouds sleepy rolled by as you laid on the soft grass by the lake. It was a soothing day as there was not much was happening, as you wanted, as your eyes began to droop letting the tranquility of it all to take you away.

"Yoohoo, Y/N!" Yelled a sweet voice.

Your peaceful lazy day was interpreted by the appearance of your girlfriend. You slowly sat up and turned to look at your girlfriend frolicking down the hill towered you.

You became mesmerised by her body jiggling with ever skip she made. Her huge hips swished like a large pendulum as her legs jiggled with each heavy landing. Her belly bounced in contrast to her skip making her frolicking less majestic in her moments. Her overfilled water balloons she called her breasts was almost popping out of her tight shirt with every time both it and her belly bounced off each other.

"Hey Minerva, how did-" you stopped yourself as you realize that she was not slow down as she skipped toward you.

You tried to scramble out of the way but it was too late. Feeling like being hit by a large heavy pillow, Minerva plowed into you into the ground causing an earthquake with her on top of you.

As your body squished into the ground, air escaping your body, Minerva began kissing all over your face. Regained your breath you pulled yourself and Minerva up into a sitting position.

"Minerva, how did you find me?" You final asked with a nervous smile.

"Oh I just looked at every spot in the entire forest where you could be hiding! Every. Single. One." She said with a offputting smile.

You sighed nervously.

"I thought we agreed that today was my alone time."

"I know, but I couldn't stand to be away from you. Tell me I'm pretty."

"Oh no," you thought. Now you do love Mirerva very much but sometimes she can be clingy and self center.

You've known this about her since you first laying eyes on her all those years ago. She was laying by the lake side in just her bikini. You tried to ask her out but she rejected you in the most humiliating way. That snapped you out of your love craze realizing who she truly was, a gold digger and egocentric.

But after the show she was on ended she turned to food to cope with her not being a star anymore. And as time went on, she began to lose favor with the boys as her body ballooned outward. At some point she was alone, rarely ever going outside.

That when you met her again. She was in a fast food restaurant scarfing down several bargers. Back then you thought she was gorgeous like everyone else did, but now she still was. Although remembering what she did to you, you still went up to her to ask her out hoping for a different result.

And boy did you get a different result. She immediately jumped into your arms exclaiming yes over and over without a pause or a second thought. You were the first person to ask her out in over a year. Her self-esteem went into a nosedive after the show, and you came to realize how despite her was to have a man in her life.

Within the first few days she demanded that she was to move into your home. A week after that she was already suggesting that you and her get married. Lucky you convinced her slow down.

Her self worth now depend entirely on you as she requested compliments on a regular basis. She never left you alone, always following you like a lost puppy.

But in the last few weeks she was getting better as she needed less compliment and she could now stay in the other room without a nervous breakdown. You thought you could have a day alone, away from the constant babysitting of her.

In fact today was the first day in a couple of months that you convinced her to let you have alone time, but it looks like she couldn't handle that.

"*Sigh* Your pretty." I said defeatly.

Squealing, she pulled me into loving embrace before pulling me into a passionate kiss.

"Oh Y/N, your so sweet! Say it again!"

"Your pretty."

"Again!" Now her face started to look more crazed.

"Your pretty?" I nervously said.

She squealed again before she looked at the lake that was behind you.

"Oh I remember this place!" She said as she released you and walked to the water's edge. "I used to hang out here all the time during the show. It's been so long since I seen it."

Just then she got a wicked smile.

"I also remember that I used to bathe here. How about you and me go for a swim Y/N?"

"But I don't have my swimming clothes." You said.

"Don't worry Y/N," she said coyly, "I don't have one either." She then began to take off her dress.

You started at her slackjaw as she removed every piece of clothing she had. With a smile and a wink she slowly sashayed into the lake swaying her bear hips as a pendulum, hypnotizing me.

Well, you might have lost you alone time, but hey, your not complaining.


Some of these stories really need sequels.

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